Application and comparison of three meteorological drought indices
中文关键词:  气象  干旱指标
英文关键词:meteorology  drought index  comparison
韩海涛 Gansu Meteorological Information CenterLanzhouGansu 730020Chian 
胡文超 Gansu Meteorological Information CenterLanzhouGansu 730020Chian 
陈学君 Gansu Meteorological Information CenterLanzhouGansu 730020Chian 
王乃昂 School of Resources and Environmental Science Lanzhou UniversityLanzhouGansu 730000China 
李钢 School of Resources and Environmental Science Lanzhou UniversityLanzhouGansu 730000China 
摘要点击次数: 2313
全文下载次数: 2600
      Drought is a kind of meteorological disaster that has hurt severely agricultural production and affected economic development and people's living in China over a long period of time.Based on the research about drought and drought indices at home and abroad,this paper mainly compared and analyzed a few meteorological drought indices usually used in current domestic and international researches,and pointed out the merit and shortcoming as well as applicability of each drought index.The percentage of precipitation anomaly(Pa) has several characteristics,such as simple calculation,easy to obtain data,slow extent of response to the drought,and no reflection of the inherent mechanism of the drought.With sensitive response to drought,the standard precipitation index(SPI) can be applied to different time scales and stability calculation,while the Palmer drought index(PDSI) not only reflects the extent of drought but also includes the start and end time of drought.
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