Effects of cotton continuous cropping on the amount of soil microbes and enzyme activities in Xinjiang
中文关键词:  新疆  连作  棉花  微生物数量  酶活性
英文关键词:continuous cropping  cotton  amount of soil microbes  enzyme activities
顾美英 Institute of Microbiology, Xinjiang Academy of Agriculural Sciences Urumqi Xinjiang 830091, China 
徐万里 Institute of Soil and Fertilizer, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural SciencesUrumqi, Xinjiang 830091China 
茆军 Institute of Microbiology, Xinjiang Academy of Agriculural Sciences Urumqi Xinjiang 830091, China 
梁智 Institute of Soil and Fertilizer, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural SciencesUrumqi, Xinjiang 830091China 
张志东 Institute of Microbiology, Xinjiang Academy of Agriculural Sciences Urumqi Xinjiang 830091, China 
房世杰 Institute of Microbiology, Xinjiang Academy of Agriculural Sciences Urumqi Xinjiang 830091, China 
摘要点击次数: 3671
全文下载次数: 545
      The amount of rhizosphere soil microbes and enzy me activity and soil phy sical and chemical prop erties in cotton continuous cropping in Xinjjang were st udied. The results showed:(1) With increasing continu ous cropping years,bacteria were first increased and then decreased, while the amount of F ungi w as decreased. The number of actinomycete w as not obv iously affected, and cotton soils converted from bacteria type to fungitype after continuous cropping. (2) Activities of urease and protease w ere also first increased and then decreased. (3) The correlation analy sis among the amount of soil microbes,enzy me activities and soil physical and chemical properties showed:U rease and protease w ere positively correlated w ith bacteria. The correlation betw een urease and bacteria reached extremely significant level(ρ<0.01). Protease had also reached significant level (ρ<0.05). Enzyme activity had no significant correlation with the amount of actinomycete and fungi. Bacteria had significantly positive correlation with OM,total N and avail. N and had negative correlation with total salt.
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