The influence of enclosing life on carbon distribution of qrassland ecosystem
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Key Words: enclosing years  grassland ecosystem  soil organic carbon  degraded grassland
贾宏涛 College of Pratacultural and Environment al Sciences Xingjian Agricultural University, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830052 China 
蒋平安 College of Pratacultural and Environment al Sciences Xingjian Agricultural University, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830052 China 
赵成义 Xinjiang Ecological Geograp hy Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences Urumqi, Xinjiang 830011 China 
胡玉昆 Xinjiang Ecological Geograp hy Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences Urumqi, Xinjiang 830011 China 
李赟 College of Pratacultural and Environment al Sciences Xingjian Agricultural University, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830052 China 
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      Aimed at the degraded grassland enclosed for different years, study w as made on the distribution of organic carbon wit hin degraded ecosystems. The results showed that: With the increase of enclosing years, the density of soil organic carbon grows increasingly,while the highest value of plant organic carbon density oc-curs in the 20 years of enclosing, and the plant carbon intensity of enclosing for 25 years is slightly lower than that of enclosing for 20 years,show ing a low ering trend. Carbon density of processed ecosystem of enclosing for 25 years reaches the highest, 8.22 kg/m2; the proportion of carbon pool in soil in the total reserves of organic carbon pool in ecosystem is little influenced by the enclosing years.