Stability of yield and yield components of rice and correlation analysis of high yield related characters
中文关键词:  AMMI模型  水稻  产量及产量构成  稳定性
英文关键词:AMMI model  rice  yield  yield component  stability
刘丽华1,王新兵2,汤凤兰3,李红宇1,郑桂萍1,左豫虎1 (1.黑龙江八一农垦大学农学院 黑龙江 大庆 163319 2.黑龙江省 洪河农场 黑龙江 同江 1563323.黑龙江省齐齐哈尔管理局种子管理局 黑龙江 齐齐哈尔 161005) 
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      为了给干旱和半干旱地区水稻品种审定和推广应用提 供科学依据,将黑龙江省垦区6个水稻品种(系) 种植在6个不同生态点,利用AMMI 模型对水 稻产量及产量构成因素(每穴穗数、穗粒数、千粒重、结实率) 进行了稳定性分析。结果表 明:基因型(G)×环境(E)对水稻产量和产量构成因素的影响明显;本试验中的各水稻品 种(系)在不同地点种植,产量和产量构成要素的稳定性存在差异,垦稻08-924产量最稳定 ;850农场和军川农场较适合水稻进行区试试验;二次枝梗数和穗长除与结实率、产量相关 性不显著外,与其他指标相关性均达到显著或极显著水平;产量除与穗数达显著正相关外, 与其它性状均未达显著相关性。
      In order to provide scientific basis for validatio n and application of rice varieties in arid and semi arid areas, 6 rice varieti es (lines) was planted in 6 different ecological sites in Heilongjiang Province to analyzed the stability of yield and yield components (spike per hole, grains per spike, 1000 grain weight, and seed setting rate) of rice by using AMMI mode l. The results showed that the interaction of genotype and environment (G×E) af fected significantly on yield and yield components of rice. Under the condition of various rice varieties (lines) planted in different regions, the stability of yield and yield components was much different, in which the yield of Kendao 08- 924 was the most stable. 850 Farm and Junchuan Farm were suitable for regional t est of rice. The number of secondary rachis per spike and spike length were corr elated with all characters at significant or extremely significant level, except for seed setting rate and yield. The rice yield was positively correlated with spike number at significant level, but it was not significantly correlated with other characters.
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