王志强,马 箐,闫 静,邓 岚.农业旱灾适应性研究进展[J].干旱地区农业研究,2013,31(5):124~129
Research progress of agricultural drought adaptability
中文关键词:  适应性  承灾体  农业旱灾  灾害系统
英文关键词:adaptation  hazard affected body  agricultural drought hazard  disaster system
王志强1,2,马 箐2,3,闫 静1,4,邓 岚1,2,4 (1.民政部国家减灾中心/民政部卫星减灾应用中心 北京 100124
北京 100124
北京 100875 4.北京师范大学民政部/教育部减灾与应急管理研究院 北京 100875) 
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      农业旱灾适应性是当前农业旱灾研究中的重要热点之一。本文分析了国内外研究中适应性概 念及适应性与灾害系统的关系,从农作物、农户和区域三类农业旱灾承灾体的角度,对不同 类型和尺度承灾体农业旱灾适应性研究进展进行了综述。认为农业旱灾适应性研究主要 是以承灾体的适应性研究为重点:以农作物为承灾体的研究主要通过评价农作物的农学生长 过程反映适应性大小;以农户为承灾体的研究注重从农户的经营方式以及经济收入情况等人 文因素进行评价;从区域系统承灾体的角度,研究仍以指标体系、评价方法、适应模式为基 本思路。目前农业旱灾适应性研究还处于起步阶段,如何从灾害形成过程和社会发展的角度 加强承灾体适应能力和综合适应模式的普适性等问题的研究将是下一步研究的重要方向之一 。
      Agricultural drought adaptability is one of the hot spots in the current agricultural drought esearch. This paper analyzes the relationship between the domestic and international study of adaptive concept and adaptability and disaster system, from the point of view of the three types of a gricultural crops, farmers and regional drought disasters, agricultural drought of different types and scales of hazard affected body adaptability study progress are reviewed. This paper argues that agricultural drought hazard affected body adaptability based on adaptive research focus: to crops for a hazard affected body, the research mainly by evaluating crop agriculture growth process reflects adaptability size; to farmers for a hazard affected body, the research focus on the farmer's mode of operation and economic income and humanistic factors of evaluation; hazard affected body from the regional system point of view, the study still index system, evaluation methods, and adapt the mode is the basic idea. Agricultural drought adaptive research is still in its infancy, form the point of view of the process of social development from disaster strengthen the disaster affected body adapt capacity and adaptation model universality problem will be one of the important direction of further research.
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