Review of the current situation and control countermeasures in agricultural non point source pollution control in China
中文关键词:  面源污染  污染现状  污染防治
英文关键词:non-point source pollution  current situation  causes  control counter measures
李自林 (安康市农村能源工作站 陕西 安康 725000) 
摘要点击次数: 3640
全文下载次数: 2874
      Agricultural non point source pollution is the main factor to the environmental pollution in rural China now with the development of economy in China. It has gained the attention of the government and scientist in the country, and also is the main factor to restrain the agricultural sustainable development. At present, the reasons are list as follow: chemical fertilizer and pesticide and excessive application; Livestock and aquatic products pollution; soil erosion; a majority of strews abandoned; agricultural plastic film pollution. It has the characteristics of dispensability, univ ersality and randomness, which have negative effects on soil, water and air. In terms of biological chemistry and physics and agricultural management, this paper proposes countermeasures to control agricultural non-point source pollution, protect the environment, and promote the sustainable development of agriculture.
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