李广文,冯 起,张福平,成爱芳.祁连山八宝河流域典型草地土壤入渗特征[J].干旱地区农业研究,2014,32(1):60~65
The soil infiltration characteristics of typical grass land in Babao River Basin of Qilian mountain
中文关键词:  祁连山  土壤入渗过程  入渗拟合
英文关键词:Qilian Mountain  soil infiltration process  infiltration fitting
李广文1,2,冯 起1,3,张福平1,成爱芳3 (1.陕西师范大学旅游与环境学院 陕西 西安 710062 2.齐齐哈尔大学理学院 黑龙江 齐齐哈尔 161006 3.中国科学院寒区与旱区环境工程研究所, 甘肃 兰州  730000) 
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      利用Guelph入渗仪,对祁连山八宝河流域典型草地的土壤入渗进行了调查,并基于Kostiakov模型和Horton模型对其入渗特征进行拟合。结果表明,峨堡样区土壤初始入渗率平均为1.66 cm·min-1,稳定入渗率为0.99 cm·min-1;阿柔样区土壤初始入渗率平均为0.47 cm·min-1,稳定入渗率为0.21 cm·min-1。入渗率随着海拔的升高而升高,与土壤含水量成正相关关系。整个入渗过程可分为三个阶段:0~10 min为入渗速率急剧变化阶段,10~30 min为入渗速率缓慢变化阶段和30 min以后逐渐达到稳定入渗阶段。Kostiakov模型在阿柔样区拟合效果较好;而Horton模型适合在峨堡样区使用。
      Using the Guelph Infiltration Meter, has carried out the investigation for the soil infiltration in typical grass land in Babao River Basin of Qilian Mountain, also based on the Kostiakov Model and Horton Model, has simulated the water infiltration characteristic. The results showed that the average soil initial infiltration rate was 1.66 cm·min-1 and the steady infiltration rate was 0.99 cm·min-1 in the Ebao sample region. The average soil initial infiltration rate was 0.47 cm·min-1 and the steady infiltration rate was 0.21 cm·min-1 in the Arou sample area. The infiltration rate was increased with the rise of the altitude. At the same time, the infiltration rate was the positive correlation with the soil moisture content. The whole infiltration process can be divided into three phases: The infiltration rate of 0~10 min was the rapid change stage; the infiltration rate of 10~30 min was slowly change phase and after 30 min the infiltration rate was gradually to reach the stability. The fitting effect of Kostiakov Model was go od for the Arou sample area; but the Horton Model was suitable for the Ebao sample region.
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