A study on seedling growth and soil nutrient spatial variations of Lycium ruthenicum in different habitats
中文关键词:  黑果枸杞  实生苗生长  生境  土壤理化性质
英文关键词:Lycium ruthenicum  seedling growth  habitat  physical and chemical properties of soil
郭有燕 甘肃省河西走廊特色资源利用重点实验室,甘肃 张掖 734000甘肃省黑果枸杞工程中心甘肃 张掖 734000 
聂海松 东京农工大学农业研究院日本 东京 183-8509 
余宏远 甘肃省河西走廊特色资源利用重点实验室,甘肃 张掖 734000 
孔东升 甘肃省河西走廊特色资源利用重点实验室,甘肃 张掖 734000甘肃省黑果枸杞工程中心甘肃 张掖 734000 
张亚娟 甘肃省河西走廊特色资源利用重点实验室,甘肃 张掖 734000 
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      研究不同生境黑果枸杞实生苗数量、生长状况、生物量分配及土壤养分空间差异,探讨环境因子对黑果枸杞实生苗生长的影响,为黑果枸杞种群恢复及持续经营提供理论依据。采用固定样地调查法,于2016年对张掖市甘州区、临泽县、肃南县及周边地区的农田地埂、水渠边、盐化沙地、盐碱荒地等各生境黑果枸杞进行调查。研究结果表明:不同生境均有黑果枸杞实生苗分布,农田地埂生境实生苗数量相对水渠边、盐化沙地、盐碱荒地分别增加66.67%、122.22%、215.79%。因环境条件差异,不同生境的黑果枸杞实生苗采取了不同的生存策略适应环境:农田地埂生境的黑果枸杞主要为增高生长,盐化沙地的黑果枸杞主要为冠幅的增长,而盐碱荒地的黑果枸杞主要为增粗生长。农田地埂生境0~20 cm土层有机质含量相对水渠边、盐化沙地、盐碱荒地分别增加28.50%、2.62%、10.13%;全氮含量分别增加44.08%、33.16%、72.41%;有效氮含量分别增加46.81%、0%、50%。空气湿度、土壤含水量对黑果枸杞幼苗数量及幼苗生长有显著影响。在今后的黑果枸杞栽培管理中,幼苗期应加强水分管理。
      In order to provide theoretical basis to population restoration and sustainable growth of Lycium ruthenicum, we studied the seedling number, growth conditions, biomass allocation,spatial variability of soil nutrient, and the effect of environment factors on Lycium ruthenicum seedlings growth under various growth environments. By using sample plot investigation method, the Lycium ruthenicum growth was investigated in various habitats such as field bund, irrigation canal side, saline sandy soil, and salty land in Ganzhou District, Linze County, Sunan County, and surrounding areas of city of Zhangye in 2016. The results showed that the seedlings distributed in all habitats, and the number of the seedlings in the field bund was the greatest among all habitats i.e. 66.67%, 122.22%, and 215.79% of that in canal side, saline sandy, and salty land, respectively. The growth characteristics varied among habitats. The seedlings in the field bund were mainly growth in height while that in saline sandy were mainly the growth in crown. In salty land, the seedlings were mainly the growth in stem diameter. The organic matter contents in 0~20 cm soil layer in field bund increased 28.50%, 2.62%, and 10.13%; total N increased 44.08%, 33.16%, and 72.41%; and available N increased 46.81%, 0%, and 50%, over that in canal side, saline sandy, and salty land, respectively. It is shown that the air humidity and soil moisture contents had significant effects on seedling numbers and growth. It is concluded that water management in the seedling stage is an important mean for the production of Lycium ruthenicum.
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