Principal factors of horsebean production in Southern Ningxia
中文关键词:  蚕豆  产量  肥力  主因子分析  宁南易旱区
英文关键词:horsebean  yield  fertility  principal factor analysis
王芳 宁夏农林科学院农业资源与环境研究所宁夏银川750002 
李友宏 宁夏农林科学院农业资源与环境研究所宁夏银川750002 
李海洋 宁夏同心县予旺镇农技站宁夏同心 751300 
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      用主因子分析法对宁南阴湿易旱区影响蚕豆产量的水、肥等10个因子进行分析,结果表明:花期和荚期土壤水分含量与产量呈极显著正相关;速效氮和播种前、苗期土壤水分含量与产量呈显著正相关。第一主因子所表现的是水—氮关系。成熟期土壤水分含量的权重系数值最大,为0.925,对产量的形成影响最为强烈;氮素、有机质有调水作用,应保证每公顷施纯氮75~105 kg。第二主因子显示了氮、磷与土壤水分的逆向效应,水分充足氮磷易被蚕豆吸收。
      The principal factor analysis was used to analyze such ten factors affecting horsebean yield as water and fertilization and the analytical results demonstrated that soil moisture significantly and positively correlated with horsebean yield in the flowering and pod-forming periods. Readily available nitrogen and soil moistures before sowing and in the seedling period significantly and positively correlated with horsebean yield; nitrogen-water relation characterized the first principal factor. soil moisture weighted most heavily with its weighed coefficient reaching 0.925, thereby affecting horsebean yield most; nitrogen and organic matter could play the role that fertilizer use can improve water use, and thus 75~105 kg nitrogen should be applied. The second principal factor indicated the inverse responses of nitrogen and phosphorous to soil moisture, i.e. sufficient soil water made it easy for horsebean to take up nitrogen and phosphorus.
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