Physiological mechanism of Sophoraviciifolia to adapt to soil drought
中文关键词:  白刺花  土壤干旱  渗透调节物质  保护酶系  生理机制
英文关键词:Sophoraviciifolia  soil drought  osmotic regulating substance  lipid peroxidation  physiological mechanism
王海珍 中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所陕西杨凌 712100塔里木大学植物科技学院新疆阿拉尔 843300 
梁宗锁 中国科学院水利部水土保持研究所陕西杨凌 712100西北农林科技大学生命科学院陕西杨凌 712100 
郝文芳 西北农林科技大学生命科学院陕西杨凌 712100 
韩路 塔里木大学植物科技学院新疆阿拉尔 843300 
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      With pot culture experiments simulating different soil drought, physiological mechanism of Sophoraviciifolia seeding to adapt to soil drought was studied. The result showed that water potential of Sophoraviciifolia decreased slowly in the early stage of stress and the soil water content and later water potential decreased sharply with time. It accumulated much osmotic regulating substances (soluble sugar, K+) to increase leaf water retaining capability and maintain growth turgor. It was not related to Pro change and siol water. Soluble sugar content decreased with soil water decrease and it could be injured under soil drought. SOD activity rose significantly and POD activity keptstable with stress time and CAT activity decreased. Change trend of CAT was not same as that of POD. It demonstrated that three-cell defense enzymes could cooperate to reduce lipid peroxidation degree, decrease cell wound, promote protoplasm membrane stability and maintain cell membrane integrity. Sophoraviciifolia has stronger drought resisting adaptability.
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