Study on mode of multi-purpose dynamic fertilization of naked oat on dry-land
中文关键词:  冀西北  旱地  莜麦  施肥模式
英文关键词:northwest Hebei  dry land  naked oat  mode of fertilization
牛瑞明 河北北方学院河北 宣化 075131 
乔永明 河北北方学院河北 宣化 075131 
赵锁江 万全县种子公司河北 万全 075000 
范翠丽 河北北方学院河北 宣化 075131 
杨德浩 河北北方学院河北 宣化 075131 
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      An experiment was conducted to study the effects of N dosage and proportion of additional fertilizer on grain yield, biomass yield, seed protein yield and total protein yield of naked oat, and to determine the optimum pattern of fertilization. The results showed that the dosage of N fertilizer affected directly the optimum proportion of additional fertilizer, grain yield, biomass yield, seed protein yield and total protein yield. When the N dosage was within the range of 170.25~120.25 kg/hm2, the yields increased observably with the increase of N application. To realize a fixed target output, the N fertilizer dosage and the proportion of additional N fertilizer were affected each other, i.e., to decrease the proportion of additional fertilizer would result in the increase of N dosage, or to increase the proportion of additional fertilizer would result in the reduction of N dosage. The mathematics equations of dynamic fertilization mode were set up to determine the rational N dosage and proportion of additional fertilizer for different production goals.
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