Correlation between agronomic parameters and spectral vegetation index in winter wheat under different nitrogen levels
中文关键词:  冬小麦  植被指数  叶面积指数  叶绿素含量  生物量  冠层
英文关键词:winter wheat  vegetation index  leaf area index  chlorophyll content  biomass
基金项目:973项目专题(G2000077905-04); 中科院野外台站研究基金项目“基于Greenseeker技术的小麦-玉米氮素实时诊断和精准施肥研究”
代辉 中国科学院石家庄农业现代化研究所河北 石家庄 050021中国科学院研究生院北京 100039 
胡春胜 中国科学院石家庄农业现代化研究所河北 石家庄 050021 
程一松 中国科学院石家庄农业现代化研究所河北 石家庄 050021 
宋文冲 中国科学院石家庄农业现代化研究所河北 石家庄 050021中国科学院研究生院北京 100039 
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      The spectral reflectance of winter wheat canopy under different nitrogen levels and at different periods was measured by using the spectrometer Field Spec to evaluate the agronomic parameters including leaf area index (LAI) ,chlorophyll content (CHL) ,chlorophyll density (CHL .D) ,fresh overground weight and dry overground weight.Furthermore,the variation of spectral vegetation index of winter wheat under different nitrogen levels and the correlation between agronomic parameters and spectral variables were analyzed.The results showed that LAIand chlorophyll density were strongly correlated with ratio vegetation index (RVI) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) ,chlorophyll content was significantly correlated with RVI and NDVIat heading period (P<0.01) ,while fresh overground weight and dry overground weight were strongly correlated with RVI and NDVIduring rising to booting period.These results may provide references for predicting the agronomic parameters by using the spectral vegetation index.
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