贾晓红,李新荣,肖洪浪,张景光,李珂.干旱沙区春小麦灌溉量研究[J].干旱地区农业研究,2005,(4):159~164 |
干旱沙区春小麦灌溉量研究 |
A study on irrigational capacity of spring wheat in arid desert region |
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1000-8601.2005.04.33 |
中文关键词: 灌溉量 春小麦 产量 产量构成因素 干旱沙区 |
英文关键词:irrigation amount spring wheat yield component elements of yield |
基金项目:中科院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所创新项目(2004113); 国家自然基金西部重大研究计划项目(90202015) |
摘要点击次数: 32 |
全文下载次数: 10 |
中文摘要: |
通过观测沙区两种土壤类型春小麦产量和产量构成因素(单穗粒数、单位面积穗数、千粒重)对全生育期不同灌溉量、灌溉次数和土壤含水量处理(单次灌溉量)的响应,分析该区春小麦稳产、高产的最佳经济灌溉量。结果表明:(1)干旱沙区全生育期总灌溉量、灌溉次数及土壤含水量处理与春小麦产量和产量各构成因素间有强正相关关系(P<0.01);(2)风沙土春小麦全生育期总灌溉量约为4312m3/hm2,单次灌水定额相当于30.8mm水层厚,总灌水次数约以14次最佳;(3)灌淤土春小麦全生育期总灌溉量为4590m3/hm2,单次灌水定额相当于45.9mm水层厚,总灌水次数以11次左右为宜。 |
英文摘要: |
The experiments were carried out to study the effects of irrigational amount, irrigational times and soil moisture control on yield and its component elements of spring wheat on two types of soil in arid desert region. The results show: (1) There was a strong positive correlation between total irrigational amount, irrigational times and soil water control level during whole growth period and yield and its component elements of wheat (P<0.01); (2) For spring wheat on anthropogenic-alluvial soil, the optimal total irrigational capacity was 4 590 m3/hm2, being equivalent to 45.9 mm in depth for 11 times or so; (3) For spring wheat on sandy soil, the optimal total irrigational capacity was 4 312 m3/hm2, being equivalent to 30.8 mm in depth for 14 times or so. |
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