王益,王益权,刘军,闫亚丹,高希望.黄土地区影响土壤膨胀因素的研究[J].干旱地区农业研究,2005,(5):93~97 |
黄土地区影响土壤膨胀因素的研究 |
Study on soil swelling factors in loessal areas |
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1000-7601.2005.05.18 |
中文关键词: 土壤膨胀率 土壤性状 干湿交替 黄土地区 |
英文关键词:soil property soil swelling rate alternative of drying and wetting Loessal areas |
基金项目:陕西省自然科学基金资助项目(2003C130) |
摘要点击次数: 32 |
全文下载次数: 19 |
中文摘要: |
通过测定黄土高原地区几种土壤的膨胀率,探讨了不同质地、有机质、容重、Ca2+、干湿交替强度和次数对土壤膨胀率的影响,揭示了这些因素对土壤结构的影响程度。结果表明:土壤粘粒含量与土壤膨胀率呈显著正相关;有机质含量在质地差别不明显情况下,对土壤膨胀率也有极显著的作用与影响;容重对土壤膨胀率的影响是随着容重的增加土壤膨胀率也增加,增幅可达1.70%~30.22%;Ca2+对土壤膨胀起着重要的抑制作用。干湿交替强度显著地影响着土壤膨胀性,在40℃情况下快速干燥土壤的膨胀率较在30℃时干燥的土壤膨胀率显著增幅可达30.28%~81.20%;干湿交替次数对土壤膨胀率的作用表现为随着干湿交替次数的增加而增大,尤其以第一次干湿交替的破坏最为严重。 |
英文摘要: |
The swelling index of some typical soils on Loess Plateau was measured to probe into the influence of soil texture, soil organic matter, soil bulk density, Ca2+, and intensity and frequency of ADW (Alternative Drying and Wetting) on soil swelling rate and soil structure. The results showed that the content of clay particles was significantly correlated with soil swelling rate. The content of soil organic matter affected soil swelling rate remarkably when soil texture was not obviously different. With the increase of soil bulk density, soil swelling rate was increased by 1.70%~30.22%. Ca2+ showed crucial restraint to soil swelling rate. The intensity of ADW affected soil swelling rate, and the swelling rate of the soil dried at 40℃ was higher than that dried at 30℃, with an increase rate of 30.28%81.20%. The frequency of ADW also affected soil swelling rate. The soil swelling rate was raised when the frequency was increased, and the effect was most remarkable in the first time of ADW. |
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