The effect of mulching on soil water storage and grain yields of maize and their mechanisms
中文关键词:  地面覆盖  夏玉米  硝态氮  土壤储水量
英文关键词:surface mulching  summer maize  nitrate content  soil water storage
基金项目:国家自然科学基金“控制性分根交替节水灌溉条件下的水氮耦合效应研究”(30571085); 自然科学基金重点项目“西北旱地优质高产高效栽培的生理生态研究”(30230230)
谭军利 西北农林科技大学资环学院陕西 杨凌 712100中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所北京 100100 
王林权 西北农林科技大学资环学院陕西 杨凌 712100 
李生秀 西北农林科技大学资环学院陕西 杨凌 712100 
摘要点击次数: 150
全文下载次数: 127
      通过两年的夏玉米微区试验(带遮雨棚)分析麦草覆盖和地膜覆盖的保水增产效果及其作用机理。结果表明:在排除降水影响的条件下,地面覆盖均能增加产量。地膜覆盖增产效果明显,水分利用率高;麦草覆盖保水效果显著,但增产效果较低。休闲时,麦草覆盖和地膜覆盖均明显增加了0~60 cm土层土壤的储水量,分别比不覆盖高10.2 mm和7.4 mm;在种植玉米的条件下,覆草处理的土壤储水量增加16.1 mm;而覆膜处理则减少了13.0 mm。对硝态氮而言,休闲状态下覆草处理的硝态氮在土壤表层的聚集较裸地少,而覆膜处理则相反;种植玉米时,覆草和覆膜处理均可减少硝态氮在表层土壤的聚集,且覆膜的效果大于覆草处理。
      Mulching was widely applied in agricultural activity of arid and sem-i arid area.The micro-field trials (with rainproof) were carried out to investigate the effect of mulching on water storage and grain yields of maize in 2003 and 2004.In the trials two tillage systems were designed including growing maize and fallow as main treatments.Every main treatment was divided into mulching and no mulching.The mulching material was wheat straw in 2003 and plastic film in 2004.The results showed that surface mulching of straw and plastic film increased the maize yield and water use efficiency as well.However there was significant difference between wheat straw and plastic film.Plastic film mulching increased yield and water use efficiency significantly; straw mulching could increase the soil water conservation but the yield increase was small.In fallow treatment straw and film mulching conserved 10.2 and 7.4 mm more water than bare land respectively in the0~60cm soil profiles.Under growing maize systems straw mulching could conserve 16.1 mm more soil water than no mulching and plastic film mulching consumed 13.0 mm more soil water than no mulching.While different mulching materials had different influences on nitrate distribution in the soil profile.Under fallow trial soil nitrate content in the 0~40 cm soil profile with wheat straw mulching was lower than bare land but it was higher with mulching of plastic film than no mulching;under planting systems the nitrate content decreased in the 0~40 cm top soil of straw mulching and plastic film mulching compared to no mulching.
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