Dynamic law of soil water during vegetation growing season in alpine stipa steppe
中文关键词:  西北针茅草原  植物生长季  土壤水分  时间变化  垂直分布
英文关键词:Northwest stipa steppe  vegetation growing season  soil water  temporal variation  vertical distribution
基金项目:青藏高原气候变化对草地生态系统的影响(CCSF2008-7); 三江源生态脆弱区草地气候变化适应技术方法研究(2007BAC03A06)
朱宝文 Nanjing University of Information Science &Technology,Nanjing 210044, ChinaQinghai Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Reduction, Xi’ning 810000, China 
郑有飞 Nanjing University of Information Science &Technology,Nanjing 210044, China 
陈晓光 Qinghai Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Reduction, Xi’ning 810000, China 
摘要点击次数: 129
全文下载次数: 101
      利用1999~2007年青海省兴海县牧业气象观测站0~50 cm土壤水分观测资料分析了高寒针茅草原植物生长季土壤水分的年变化、月变化和旬际变化规律及垂直分布特征。结果表明:高寒针茅草原天然草地土壤水分年际变化振荡明显,呈多波动变化,与年降水量相关关系显著;植物生长季逐月土壤水分变化曲线基本呈"M"型分布,按土壤水分月变化曲线可分为春季缓慢增墒期、春夏快速增墒期、盛夏快速失墒期、秋季快速增墒期和秋末快速失墒期5个阶段;土壤水分在20~30 cm层最大,就其垂直变化而言,0~10 cm为多变层,10~50 cm为缓变层;根据植物根系对土壤水分利用情况将土层分为根系利用层和根系微利用层;土壤水分垂直剖面的季节变化按变异系数大小可分为两个阶段,土壤水分变异系数雨季(6~9月)大于干季。
      By using the soil water observational data(0~50 cm) from 1999 to 2007 in Xinghai stockbreeding meteorological station in Qinghai Province,the variations(interannual,monthly and ten-day's) and vertical distribution of soil water during vegetation growing season in the alpine stipa steppe were analyzed.The results show that: the interannual variation of soil water was obvious with multi-variations character and had a significant correlation with annual precipitation.The monthly change curves of soil water during vegetation growing season was "M" shape,and the whole growing season could be divided into five different periods,named slow increase in spring,fast increase between spring and summer, fast decrease in summer,fast increase in autumn,fast decrease in the end of autumn,respectively.The soil water in the 20~30 cm layer was the largest,and for the vertical distribution of soil water,the 0~10 cm layer varied frequently,while the 10~50 cm layer varied slowly.Based on the character of roots' utilization of soil water,soil layers were divided into roots' utilization layer and root's micro-utilization layer.According to the variation coefficient,the monthly change of soil water virtual distribution in rainy season was larger than in dry season.
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