王芳,李友宏,米丽娜,刘汝亮.基于3S 技术编制大比例尺土壤养分图方法研究——以吴忠国家农业科技园区为例[J].干旱地区农业研究,2009,27(5):123~126
基于3S 技术编制大比例尺土壤养分图方法研究——以吴忠国家农业科技园区为例
3S-based large-scale soil nutrients mapping research —— Taking Wuzhong State Agro-Hi-Tech Zone as an example
中文关键词:  土壤养分图  ArcGis  精准农业  数据库
英文关键词:soil nutrient map  ArcGis  precision agriculture database
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(30860156); 科技部国际合作重点项目(2005DFA30750)
王芳 Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environment Ningxia Academy of Agroforestry Sciences, Yinchuan, Ningxia 750004, China 
李友宏 Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environment Ningxia Academy of Agroforestry Sciences, Yinchuan, Ningxia 750004, China 
米丽娜 The Environmental Protection Bureau of Yinchuan, Yinchuan, Ningxia 750000, China 
刘汝亮 Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environment Ningxia Academy of Agroforestry Sciences, Yinchuan, Ningxia 750004, China 
摘要点击次数: 145
全文下载次数: 134
      Taking Wuzhong State Agro-Hi-Tech Demonstration Zone as an example, this paper explained the large\|scale soil nutrients mapping based on Quickbird image, Arcgis 9 desktop and DGPS, as well as necessary field and lab works.The approach followed DGPS-based field 100 m grid soil sampling, ASI soil testing, Quickbird\|based field surveying for farmland and settlement boundary, and soil nutrients database, spatial interpolation and soil mapping.This 3S-based soil nutrients mapping approach, integrated into ArcGis geodatabase framework, was efficient and accurate.It facilitated greatly single and comprehensive nutrient assessment and fertilization recommendation.
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