The ecological climatic characteristics of spring rape and its response to climate change in Gansu province
中文关键词:  气候变化;气温  降水  春油菜;生育进程;产量
英文关键词:climate change  temperature  precipitation  spring rape  growing process  yield
刘明春1,2,孙占峰2,蒋菊芳2,任丽雯2 (1.甘肃省气象局 中国气象局兰州干旱气象研究所 甘肃省干旱气候变化与减灾重点实验室 中国气象局干旱气候变化与减灾开放实验室 甘肃 兰州 730020 2.甘肃省武威市气象局 甘肃 武威 733000) 
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      利用甘肃省春油菜种植区甘肃民乐县1987—2006年、合作市1987—1999年油菜生育期、产量资料及光温水气象资料,分析了气候变化特征及与油菜生长发育、产量形成之间的相互关系。结果表明:气候变暖背景下,甘肃油菜产区气温呈升高趋势,气温倾向率在0.28~0.31℃·10a-1,河西民乐产区气温增幅大于甘南合作产区。降水基本稳定,两地增(民乐)、减(合作)幅较小。关键生育期——苔花期降水民乐呈减少趋势,合作呈增加趋势;气候变暖使油菜生育进程加快,民乐现蕾—开花、开花—绿熟间隔日数减少趋势明显,1997—2006年平均日数较1986—1996年分别减少13 d和4 d;单位气候要素变化导致气候产量敏感程度不一,民乐产区降水影响以正效应为主,水分不足是产量提高的主要限制因子,最大影响时段出现在苔花期。合作产区光温影响以正效应为主,光温条件不足是主要限制因子,其次是现蕾—开花期降水呈正效应。总体而言,气候变化对高寒阴湿区油菜产量增加和品质形成更为有利,不利于温带草原气候区油菜生产,温带草原气候区应积极采取抗旱保墒、播种期提前等应对措施。
      Using information on the growth and yield of rape and meteorological date from the rape planting area in Gansu, Minle (1987—2006) and Hezuo (1987—1999), we analyzed the correlation between characteristics of climate change and rape growth and yield in Gansu province. The results showed that the temperature rises in the spring rape planting area of Gansu due to global warming, with a tendency rate at 0.28~0.31 ℃·10a-1. And the temperature increased more in Hexi Minle region than Gannan cooperation areas. The precipitation was basically stable with minor increase (Minle region) and subtle reduction (Gannan cooperation areas). The rape growth rate went up because of climate warming. The interval days shortened significantly from bud/blossom to blossom/green mature in Minle region, resulting in average decreases of 13D and 4D from 1997 to 2006 than 1986—1996, respectively. Changes in unit climate elements leaded to the climatic yield with inconsistently sensitive degree. Effect of precipitation was positively correlated in Minle region. Water shortage was the main limiting factor for yield increase, influencing mostly at moss flowering stage. The effects of light and temperature were positive in Gannan cooperation areas. Insufficiencies in light and temperature were the primary limiting factors. The precipitation in budding and blossom period showed positively effect. Overall, the climate changes were more favorable for rape yield increase and quality formation in cold and damp area, whereas these were preferred in the temperate steppe climate zones. Rape growth in the latter would be actively adopted by storing water, early sowing, and the introduction of drought resistant measures.
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