Effects of various cultivation approaches on the three-phase ratio of soil and root system structure of maize
中文关键词:  深耕方式  土壤三相比  玉米  根系构型
英文关键词:varius cultivation  three-phase ratio of soil  maize  root system structure
李晓龙 内蒙古农业大学农学院 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010019 
高聚林 内蒙古农业大学农学院 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010019 
胡树平 内蒙古农业大学农学院 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010019 
于晓芳 内蒙古农业大学农学院 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010019 
王志刚 内蒙古农业大学农学院 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010019 
苏治军 内蒙古农业大学农学院 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010019 
谢岷 内蒙古农业大学农学院 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010019 
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      以先玉335为材料,采用条深旋(TS)35 cm、深松(SS)35 cm、深翻(SF)35 cm三种深耕方式,以浅旋耕作15 cm为对照,通过测定土壤三相比和玉米根系结构,进行比较研究,以探明不同深耕方式对土壤三相比及玉米根系构型的影响。结果表明:深耕通过提高土壤的气相比和液相比降低固相比,使得耕层土壤结构指数(GSSI)升高,土壤三相结构距离(STPSD)降低,使耕层土壤物理结构更加逼近理想状态;SF能够显著改善耕层20~60 cm土层的土壤物理结构,SS对40~60 cm土层土壤结构的改良效果较为明显,SS和SF的土壤改良作用效果好于TS;深耕条件下玉米的总根长和总根表面积均高于浅旋耕处理,土壤中下层根系的生物量明显增加,并且0~0.5 mm径级的细根生物量所占比例较大;在玉米根系根长的分布中0~0.2 mm径级的根系所占比例最大,在根表面积的分布中以0.1~0.3 mm径级的根系为主;土壤气相比与玉米根系的细根长和细根表面积呈极显著正相关关系,而液相比和固相比则与其呈显著负相关关系;深耕能够改良土壤物理结构,使土壤密度降低,含水量升高,同时增加了玉米根系的根干重、根长和根表面积,根系中细根所占比例增大。土壤三相比与玉米根系的细根长和细根表面积具有一定的相关性,在一定范围内较高的气相比会促进玉米细根的生长,较高的固相比和液相比会抑制细根的生长,土壤三相比共同影响玉米根系的生长。
      To evaluate effects of different deep cultivation approaches on the three-phase ratio of soil and root system structure of maize, the maize cultivar Xianyu 335 was used under three cultivation methods including deep-spin (TS) 35 cm, subsoiling (SS) 35 cm, and deep plowing (SF) 35 cm by comparing to shallow rotary tillage (CK) 15 cm, to examine the three-phase ratio of soil and maize root system structure. It turned out that by increasing the gaseous phase ratio and liquid phase ratio and decreasing the solid phase ratio, deep plowing increased the GSSI and decreased the STPSD, allowing the physical structure of soil in plow layer to reach an ideal state. SF could significantly improve the physical structure of soil in plow layer as deep as 20~60 cm, while SS could obviously improve the soil structure in soil layer as deep as 40~60 cm. The soil-improving effects of SS and SF were better than those of TS. Additionally, total length and surface area of roots in deep plowing were higher than those in the shallowly rotary tillage. There was obvious increment of biomass in the middle and lower root systems in soil and the biomass from fine roots with diameters between 0~0.5 mm was dominant. For distributions of corn roots with various lengths, root system with the diameter of 0~0.2 mm accounted for the most, while for distributions of roots with different surface areas, roots with the diameters between 0~0.33 mm are the majority. The gaseous phase of soil was significantly and positively correlated with the length and surface area of fine roots of corn root system, while liquid phase and solid phase showed significant and negative correlations with the length and surface area of fine roots of corn root system. Deep plowing could improve the physical structure of soil, decrease the density of soil, increase the water content, and simultaneously increase the weight of root trunk, length and surface area of roots. The proportion fine roots within the root system of corn accounting for became increased. Three phases of soil had certain correlations with the length and surface area of fine roots of corn root system. To some extent, high gaseous phase ratio would promote the growth of fine corn roots, while high solid ratio and liquid phase liquid would inhibit their growth. The three phases of soil co-influenced the growth of corn root system.
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