Effects of organic nutrition soil conditioners on physical and chemical properties of irrigated desert soil in Hexi area and economic profits of forage sorghum
中文关键词:  有机营养土壤改良剂  灌漠土  理化性质  饲用高粱  种植效益
英文关键词:organic nutrition soil conditioners  irrigated desert soil  physical and chemical properties  forage sorghum  productivity profit
张春梅 河西学院农业与生物技术学院 甘肃 张掖 734000
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      针对甘肃河西内陆灌区因长期施用化肥引起的土壤板结、有机质含量低、贮水功能弱、作物产量低而不稳等问题,采用正交试验方法,筛选出有机营养土壤改良剂配方,采用田间试验方法,研究了有机营养土壤改良剂对灌漠土理化性质和饲用高粱种植效益间的影响。结果表明:原料间的效应(R)是饲用高粱专用肥>改性糠醛渣>保水剂和聚乙烯醇,改良剂配方组合是:改性糠醛渣0.9375∶保水剂0.0025∶饲用高粱专用肥0.0563∶聚乙烯醇0.0037。有机营养土壤改良剂施用量与灌漠土孔隙度、持水量、有机质、速效养分、饲用高粱农艺性状、经济性状和产量呈显著的正相关关系。经回归统计分析,有机营养土壤改良剂经济效益最佳施用量为24.00 t·hm-2时,饲用高粱理论产量为3.08 t·hm-2。有机营养土壤改良剂的施用有效改善了灌漠土理化性质,提高了饲用高粱的产量。
      In the face of soil hardening, low organic matter, weak water storage and low yield caused by long-term chemical fertilization in Hexi Corridor, Gansu province, an orthogonal experiment was conducted to select the composition for an organic nutrition soil conditioner. A field experiment was taken to study effects of organic nutrition soil conditioners on the physic-chemical properties of irrigated desert soil and economic profits of forage sorghum. The results showed that the effect of raw material for the organic nutrition soil conditioner ranked as follows: specific fertilizer of Sorghum, modified furfural residue, water retaining agent and polyvinyl alcohol. The weight ratio of furfural residual, water retention agent, specific fertilizer of forage sorghum and polyving akohol equal to 0.9375∶0.0025∶0.0563∶0.0037 for the best formula. There was a positive correlation between fertilization quantity and soil porosity, moisture capacity, available nutrients, agronomic traits, economic characteristic and yield of forage sorghum. The optimum economical application rate was 24.00 ton per hm2 and the theoretical yield was 3.08 ton per hm2. It could be concluded that organic nutrition soil conditioners could improve the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil. In addition, the soil conditioner also increased the profit and yield of forage sorghum in the irrigated desert soil.
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