唐龙,曹红霞,李宏礼,李天星,明刚.不同氮肥追施量下滴灌水量对苹果产量和品质的影响[J].干旱地区农业研究,2017,35(6):10~18 |
不同氮肥追施量下滴灌水量对苹果产量和品质的影响 |
Influence of drip irrigation levels to yield and quality of apple under different amount of nitrogen |
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1000-7601.2017.06.02 |
中文关键词: 苹果 滴灌 追氮 产量 品质 |
英文关键词:apple drip irrigation topdressing nitrogen yield quality |
基金项目:陕西省水利科技计划项目(2013slkj-48);陕西省果业发展项目(tg2015-075) |
摘要点击次数: 2093 |
全文下载次数: 1116 |
中文摘要: |
为探究不同氮肥追施量下苹果树对滴灌水量的响应机制,选用17 a生富士(长富2号)进行田间试验,果园设2个追氮水平(高氮N1 1.03 kg·棵-1、低氮N2 0.57 kg·棵-1);采用滴灌灌水方式进行灌溉,设3个灌水量水平(高水W1:75% θf、中水W2:70% θf、低水W3:65%θf,均为灌水上限),设置CK(只施肥/N1、N2,不灌水/W0)为对照,果园统一追肥时间为6月上旬。结果表明:在苹果生育期内进行灌水可明显提高果树产量,本试验中在75%θf下苹果取得最高产量75 643.20 kg·hm-2。各品质指标对水氮的响应存在差异,具体如下:在N1水平下,可溶性糖、可溶性固形物和硬度随灌水量的提高分别先降低13.80%、4.84%和6.33%后提高5.27%、3.92%和6.32%,其中W1和W3下的可溶性固形物和硬度均与W2产生显著性差异;Vc和糖酸比随灌水量的提高而下降,与W3相比,W1下的Vc和糖酸比分别降低44.70%和40.83%;可滴定酸随灌水量的提高而上升,与W3相比,W1下的可滴定酸提高64.29%。在N2水平下,可滴定酸和硬度随灌水量的提高而上升,与W3相比,W1下的可滴定酸和硬度分别提高50.00%和6.25%;可溶性固形物随灌水量的提高先增加3.44%后降低1.29%;Vc随灌水量的提高显著下降,与W3相比,W1下的Vc降低57.72%。在N1和N2下可溶性糖、Vc和糖酸比随灌水的变化趋势一致,可滴定酸、可溶性固形物和硬度则有所不同,除Vc外W1下的各品质指标基本处于中/高水平。在低灌水量下可溶性固形物、硬度和糖酸比以N1较大,可滴定酸和Vc以N2较大;在高灌水量下可溶性糖、可溶性固形物、硬度和糖酸比以N2较大,可滴定酸和Vc以N1较大。夏季追施高氮无益于果实综合品质的提高,而且会导致产量的下降,本试验中不同灌水量下的产量均表现为:N12,追氮0.57 kg·棵-1时比较适宜果树产量和综合品质的发展。苹果树冠不同位置的果实部分品质指标存在差异,可溶性糖、可溶性固形物、硬度和Vc基本以外幅较大,树冠外幅平均分别比内幅高15.03%、7.59%、37.18%和9.88%,可滴定酸和糖酸比则基本相当。 |
英文摘要: |
In order to explore the response mechanism of apple tree to drip irrigation levels under different amount of nitrogen, selected 17 years Fuji (Changfu 2) for the field experiments. Set up two nitrogen levels (high-nitrogen N1 1.03 kg·tree-1, low-nitrogen N2 0.57 kg·tree-1), and three irrigation levels (high-level W1:75% FC, middle-level W2:70% FC, low-level W3:65% FC, total for irrigation upper limitation) in the orchard, put up CK (only applied fertilizer as N1 and N2 and no irrigation/W0) as control. Topdressing fertilizer was applied in first ten days in June. The results showed that: Irrigation in growing period of apple trees,the production can be significantly increased. In this test, the 75%FC had obtained the highest yield as 75 643.20 kg·hm-2. But each quality index still existed different response to water and nitrogen. The details are as follows: Under the level of N1, at first the soluble sugar, soluble solid and hardness were decreased 13.80%, 4.84% and 6.33%, respectively and then increased 5.27%, 3.92% and 6.32% respectively with increasing irrigation quantity. Among them the soluble solid and hardness under W1 and W3 had produced significant difference compared with W2. The Vc and sugar-acid ratio were decreased with increasing irrigation quantity. The Vc, sugar and acid ratios under W1 were decreased 44.70% and 40.83% respectively, compared with W3. However, the titratable acid was increased with increasing irrigation quantity, the titratable acid under W1 was increased 64.29%, compared with W3. Under the level of N2, the titratable acid and hardness were increased with increasing irrigation level, under W1,the titratable acid and hardness were increased 50.00% and 6.25% respectively, compared with W3. The soluble solid was significant increased 3.44% at first and then decreased 1.29% with increasing irrigation level. The Vc was significantly decreased with increasing irrigation level. Under W1, the Vc was decreased 57.72%. Under N1 and N2, the soluble sugar, Vc and sugar acid ratio had the same change trend with irrigation change, compared with W3. But there were some differences in titratable acid, soluble solids and hardness. Except Vc, each quality index under W1 was in a medium/high level. Under lower irrigation level, the soluble solids, hardness and sugar acid ratio had a higher value with N1, and N2,the titratable acid and Vc had a higher value with N2. Under higher irrigation level, the soluble sugar, soluble solids, hardness and sugar acid ratio had a higher value with N1, and the titratable acid and Vc had a higher value with N1. In summer, high nitrogen topdressing was non conducive to improve fruit comprehensive quality, but caused to decrease the production. Under different irrigation levels, the productions were showed as: N12, 0.57 kg·tree-1 nitrogen was appropriate for apple tree in this experiment. The fruit quality existed some difference between different location in tree-crown, the soluble sugar, soluble solid, hardness and Vc basically had a larger value at outer tree-crown that were higher than inside tree-crown 15.03%, 7.59%, 37.18% and 9.88%, respectively, the titratable acid and sugar-acid ratio were roughly equal. |
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