Effect of salt stress and inhibitor on uptake and transportation of Na+ and K+ in the root of Ningxia Lycium barbarum L.
中文关键词:  NaCl胁迫  枸杞  非损伤微测技术  Na+  K+  离子平衡  抑制剂
英文关键词:NaCl stress  Lycium barbarum L.  non-invasive micro-test technology  Na+  K+  ion homeostasis  inhibitors
朱志明 宁夏大学农学院 宁夏 银川 750021 
毛桂莲 宁夏大学生命科学学院 宁夏 银川 750021 
许兴 宁夏大学西北退化生态系统恢复与重建教育部重点实验室 宁夏 银川 750021 
王盛 宁夏大学生命科学学院 宁夏 银川 750021 
郑蕊 宁夏大学生命科学学院 宁夏 银川 750021 
杨淑娟 宁夏大学生命科学学院 宁夏 银川 750021 
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全文下载次数: 853
      We detected absorption and transportation of Na+, K+ in the root of Ningxia Lycium barbarum L. under NaCl stress by using non-invasive micro-test technology and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The results showed that the root exhibited a higher capacity to induce the Na+ efflux compared with that of control. The higher the concentration of NaCl, the more Na+ accumulated in the root, but have no significant difference with CK. The K+ content increased first and then declined, and the Na+/K+ ratio showed the opposite trend. The longer duration of NaCl treatment, the more Na+ and K+ accumulated. At the mean time, the lower Na+ efflux and higher K+ efflux were also observed in the root compared with that of control. These results suggested that initial salt stress enhanced the salt-elicited Na+ efflux but inhibited K+ efflux to maintain the lower Na+/K+ ratio and cellular Na+/K+ homeostasis. The NaCl-induced Na+ efflux and H+ influx were inhibited by amiloride (a Na+/H+ antiporter inhibitor) or sodium orthovanadate (a plasma membrane H+-ATPase inhibitor), indicating that Na+ extrusion in the root of Ningxia Lycium barbarum L. arises from the active Na+/H+ antiporter across the plasma membrane.
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