Study on the effect and its mechanism of continuous cropping on potato growth and soil health
中文关键词:  连作  马铃薯  生长发育  土壤健康
英文关键词:continuous cropping  potato  growth  soil health
基金项目:国家科技支撑计划课题项目(2012BAD06B03); “十三五”马铃薯产业体系(CARS-10-02A、CARS-10-07B)
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杨宏伟 甘肃农业大学生命科学技术学院甘肃 兰州 730070
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张舒涵 甘肃农业大学生命科学技术学院甘肃 兰州 730070
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      以连作马铃薯土壤及不同连作年限马铃薯为材料,通过分析不同连作年限(分别连作0、3、6 a)马铃薯生长发育及土壤健康各因素的变化,对连作马铃薯生长发育及土壤健康的变化及机制进行了探讨。结果表明,随连作年限增加,土壤有机质、速效磷含量以及土壤pH值逐渐降低,在连作6 a时,土壤有机质含量、速效磷含量和土壤pH值分别比对照下降了50.72%、34.10%和8.68%;碱解氮含量上升,在连作3 a和6 a时,碱解氮分别比对照升高了84.62%、169.23%;土壤肥力相关酶活性下降,在连作6 a时,土壤中碱性磷酸酶、脲酶、蔗糖酶和过氧化氢酶活性分别比对照下降了36.34%、35.72%、29.83%和74.16%;酚酸类化感物质含量升高,在连作6 a时,土壤中羟基苯甲酸、香草酸、阿魏酸和总酚酸的含量比对照升高了33.61%、31.30%、51.64%、40.57%;细菌和放线菌数量下降,真菌数量升高,在连作6 a时,细菌和放线菌数量比对照降低了88.59%和84.21%,真菌数量在连作6 a时比对照升高了253.85%,说明连作造成土壤健康状况下降。研究还发现随着连作年限增加,马铃薯叶片MDA含量升高,连作6 a时 MDA含量比对照增加了142.47%,说明马铃薯叶片遭受了一定程度的脂质过氧化;马铃薯叶片相对叶绿素含量、净光合速率和气孔导度下降,连作6 a时分别比对照降低了13.30%、13.98%和50.00%;株高、茎粗、地上生物量和块茎产量逐渐下降,连作6 a时分别比对照下降了42.49%、54.40%、58.35%和61.79%,说明连作严重影响了马铃薯的光合能力和生长发育。可见,马铃薯连作导致了土壤理化性质恶化,代谢活力降低,养分失去平衡,土壤酚酸类物质大量累积,最终导致微生物群系发生变化,从而从整体上降低了土壤的健康状况,严重影响马铃薯生长发育。
      The soil and potatoes of different years from continuous cropping were usedto analyzethe growth changes of patato and factorvariation of soil health from different years (0, 3, 6 years) of continuous cropping. The effect and its mechanism of continuous cropping on potato growth and soil health was reported in this paper. The results showed that aspotato continuous cropping continued, soil organic matter content, available phosphorus content and pH value declined, with 50.72%, 34.10% and 8.68%’s decrease, respectively, compared with CK after 6 years’ continuous cropping. Available nitrogen content rised, with 84.62% and 169.23%’s increase, respectively, compared with CK after 3 and 6 years’ continuous cropping. Soil fertility-related enzyme activity declined gradually, with the decreaseof alkaline phosphatase by 36.34%, urease by 35.72%, sucrase by 29.83% and catalase by 74.16%, compared with CK after 6 years’ continuous cropping. Soil phenolic acids content (except P-hydroxybenzoic acid content) rised, with the increase of hydroxybenzoic acidby 33.61%, vanillic acid by 31.30%, ferulic acid by 51.64%, total phenolic acid by 40.57%, compared with CK after 6 years’ continuous cropping. The number of soil bacteria and actinomycete declined while the number of fungi rised as continuous cropping continued, with the decrease of soil bacteria by 88.59%, actinomyceteby 84.21%, and the increase offungi by 253.85% compared with CK after 6 years’ continuous cropping,which indicated the decline in soil health. MDA content of potato leafrised, with 142.47%’s increase compared with CK after 6 years’ continuous cropping, which indicated lipid peroxidation of potato leaves. Relative chlorophyll content, stomata conductance and net photosynthetic rateof potato leaf declined, with 13.30%, 13.98% and 50.00%’s decrease, respectively, compared with CK after 6 years’ continuous cropping. Potato plant height, stem diameter, aboveground biomass and plant tuber yield declined, with 42.49%, 54.40%, 58.35% and 61.79%’s decrease, respectively, compared with CK after 6 years’ continuous cropping, which indicated the photosynthetic capacity and growth of the potato seedlings were affected by continuous cropping. So it could be concluded that continuous cropping deteriorated the physical and chemical properties of the soil, reduced the fertility-related enzyme activity, maintained the nutrient imbalance and increased the content of phenolic acids, and finally changed the microbial composition of the soil. In a word,continuous cropping deteriorated the soils health as a whole, thusaffected potato growth and development severely.
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