Experimental study on the effect of buried depth of shallow buried drip irrigation on growth of alfalfa
中文关键词:  浅埋式地下滴灌  毛管埋深  苜蓿  毛细根分布  产量
英文关键词:shallow-buried drip irrigation  drip belt buried depth  alfalfa  capillary root distribution  yield
潘小保 河海大学水利水电学院江苏 南京 210098 
缴锡云 河海大学水利水电学院江苏 南京 210098水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点试验室江苏 南京 210098 
郭维华 河海大学水利水电学院江苏 南京 210098 
陈俊克 黄河水利出版社河南 郑州 450003 
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      为了研究浅埋式滴灌毛管埋深对苜蓿生长的影响,并得到优化的毛管埋深,于2016年4—10月在新疆阿勒泰阿苇灌区试验站开展田间试验。通过采用毛管埋深为5、10 cm的浅埋式滴灌与传统的地埋式滴灌(埋深20 cm)进行对比试验,分析了不同毛管埋深下苜蓿毛细根量和生长指标以及产量等。结果表明,毛管埋深5、10 cm和20 cm处理其20~30 cm土层苜蓿毛细根量分别占总量的12.44%,21.73%和19.31%;埋深为10、20 cm处理苜蓿植株高度分别为71.2 cm和72.5 cm,差异较小,两者与埋深5 cm(65.8 cm)差异显著;埋深为10、20 cm处理苜蓿植株茎粗分别为3.43 mm和3.38 mm,差异较小,两者均大于埋深5 cm(3.19 mm);苜蓿收割时埋深10、20 cm处理两茬总产量分别为16.21 t·hm-2和15.61 t·hm-2,差异较小,两者均与埋深5 cm(14.60 t·hm-2)差异显著。因此10 cm毛管埋深可以达到与传统的地埋式滴灌相同的根系湿润灌溉效果,同时对苜蓿的生长影响不大,且更加经济方便,为优化的毛管埋深。
      In order to study the influence of buried depth of shallow-buried drip irrigation on the growth of alfalfa and to optimize the drip belt buried depth ,a field experiment was conducted from April to October in 2016 in AWei experiment station of Aletai irrigation area in Xinjiang.By comparing the shallow buried drip irrigation with buried depths of 5 cm and 10 cm and the traditional buried drip irrigation(buried depth of 20 cm),the data of distribution of capillary roots, growth index and yield of alfalfa under different drip belt buried depths were obtained.The result show that the capillary root volume of 20~30 cm soil layer treated with 5 cm, 10 cm and 20 cm depth of capillary tube accounted for 12.44%, 21.73% and 19.31%, respectively. The heights of 10 cm and 20 cm treated plants were 71.2 cm and 72.5 cm and the difference was small, but compared with the depth of 5 cm and of 65.8 cm is significantly different; The plant stem diameter of alfalfa of 10 cm and 20 cm treatments were 3.43 mm and 3.38 mm, but both of which are greater than 3.19 mm with a depth of 5 cm. The totalstubbles’ yields of 10 cm and 20 cm were 16.21 t·hm-2 and 15.61 t·hm-2, respectively. smaller, but the yields of both are significantly different from the 14.60 t·hm-2 yield of the buried depth of 5 cm. Therefore, the buried depth of the 10 cm treatment can achieve the same root wet irrigation effect as the traditional buried drip irrigation, and it has little effect on the growth of alfalfa, and it is more economical and convenient to optimize the buried depth of the drip belt.
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