Regulation of photosynthesis and transpiration of summer maize under different nitrogen treatments
中文关键词:  覆膜滴灌  玉米  光合  蒸腾
英文关键词:mulch drip irrigation  maize  photosynthesis  transpiration
李丰琇 新疆农业大学水利与土木工程学院, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052 
马英杰 新疆农业大学水利与土木工程学院, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052 
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      2016年在新疆阿克苏地区林果实验基地无底测坑内进行灌溉试验,设置N1、N2和N3三个氮肥处理,N1、N2和N3分别施纯氮503.88、413.4和322.92 kg·hm-2,分析夏玉米灌浆期内不同施氮水平,玉米叶片光合、蒸腾调控因子的日变化特征及光合-蒸腾耦合关系。结果表明:(1)在观测时段内(09∶00-19∶00),处理N1、N2、N3的玉米叶片光合速率(A)、蒸腾速率(E)、光合有效辐射(PAR)、叶片表面温度(T)和气孔导度(Gs)均表现出较相似的变化趋势,即N2>N3>N1的变化趋势。(2)玉米叶片A-E呈现出极显著的相关关系,体现出明显的线性耦合关系。(3)对于光合作用,各影响因子对施氮量的响应表现为Gs和PAR>Ci>T;对于蒸腾作用,各影响因子对施氮量的响应表现为Gs>PAR>T和Ci。(4)在日变化过程中,A、E和PAR、T、Gs的变化趋势相似,使得A-PAR、E-PAR、A-T、E-T、A-Gs与E-Gs都具有形态相似的线性正相关关系,使得A-E具有良好的线性关系。因此,在喇叭口期施纯氮量241.5~297.18 kg·hm-2,在吐丝期施纯氮量171.9~206.7 kg·hm-2,玉米叶片光合作用强度能保持较高水平。
      Experiments were conducted in fruit experimental of Aksu prefecture of Xinjiang in 2016. Three nitrogen fertilizer treatments,503.88 (N1), 413.4 (N2) and 322.92 kg·hm-2 (N3) respectively were set up to analyze the diurnal variation of control factors of photosynthesis and transpiration and the coupling relationship between photosynthesis and transpiration during the grain filling stage of summer maize. The results showed that: (1) Photosynthesis rate(A), transpiration rate(E), photosynthetic active radiation(PAR), leaf temperature(T) and stomatal conductance(Gs) demonstrated a similar trend from 9∶00 to 19∶00, and ordered as N2>N3>N1. (2) A correlated positively to E with significant linear relation. (3) For photosynthesis, the response of factors to nitrogen application rate was Gs and PAR>Ci>T. For transpiration, the response of various factors to nitrogen application rate was Gs>PAR>T and Ci. (4) During daily variance,A,E and PAR, T, Gs showed a similar trend , this lead to the similar linear correlations of A-PAR and E-PAR, A-T and E-T, A-Gs and E-Gs. Therefore, applying with 241.5-297.18 kg·hm-2 during flare opening stage and 171.9-206.7 kg·hm-2 during silking stage could keep the photosynthetic intensity on a high level.
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