Effects of regulated deficit irrigation and nitrogen application on growth, yield and water-nitrogen use of peanut
中文关键词:  调亏灌溉  花生  水氮互作  产量  水氮利用
英文关键词:regulated deficit irrigation  peanut  water and nitrogen interaction  yield  water-nitrogen use
胡家齐 沈阳农业大学水利学院,辽宁 沈阳 110866 
夏桂敏 沈阳农业大学水利学院,辽宁 沈阳 110866 
张柏纶 沈阳农业大学水利学院,辽宁 沈阳 110866 
张䶮 沈阳农业大学水利学院,辽宁 沈阳 110866 
迟道才 沈阳农业大学水利学院,辽宁 沈阳 110866 
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全文下载次数: 519
      为减缓干旱造成花生减产的现象,探明调亏灌溉在辽西半干旱区的适用性,以及对花生全生育期生长、产量和水氮利用效率影响,以白沙1016为研究对象,进行主区为施氮量,子区为水分亏缺度的田间裂区试验研究。施氮量为0(N0)、40(N1)、60(N2)和80(N3)kg·hm-2, 4个水平;水分亏缺为花针-结荚期连续控水,设重度亏水(灌水下限为45%,上限为90%)(W1)、中度亏水55%(W2)、轻度亏水65%(W3)(占田间持水量百分比)和雨养(W0)4个水平。试验结果表明,增施氮肥和调亏灌溉对花生耗水量、花生生长和水氮利用影响显著。调亏灌溉处理较雨养处理,可显著增加花生株高12.73%,增产13.09%,提高NAE 120.68%,但会显著降低WUE,最多降低20.92%。随着施氮量的增加,花生株高、叶面积指数和干物质量以及产量和WUE呈先增后减趋势,产量和WUE最高增加32.03%和34.03%,NAE随施氮量增加而降低,由最高的33.23 kg·kg-1(N1)降至9.57 kg·kg-1(N3),降幅达247%。调亏灌溉下,水氮具交互效应显著,因此在辽西半干旱地区推荐施氮60 kg·hm-2,花针-结荚期采取中度亏水处理(N2W2)为适宜本地区的水氮调控模式。产量为6 485.03 kg·hm-2,而且还能维持较高的WUE和NAE,分别达到2.02 kg·m-3和38.82 kg·kg-1
      A field experiment was conducted to assess effects of RDI and nitrogen coupling on growth, yield and water-nitrogen use efficiency of peanut Baisha 1016 in the whole growth stage of peanut for mitigating yield decline caused by drought and explore the feasibility of regulated deficit irrigation(RDI) in the semi-arid region of western Liaoning province. The main plot was nitrogen with four levels, N0(0 kg N·hm-2), N1(40 kg N·hm-2), N2(60 kg N·hm-2), and the subplot was the water deficit (severe deficit-W1, 45% of field capacity; moderate deficit-W2, 55% of field capacity; light deficit-W3, 65% of field capacity). The results indicated that RDI could significantly increase the plant height of peanut by 12.73%. The highest yield could be increased by 13.09% and increased Nitrogen Agronomic Efficiency(NAE) 120.68%, but it could decrease water use efficency (WUE) by 20.92% at most. With the increase rate of nitrogen, the peanut plant height, leaf area index (LAI), dry matter, yield and WUE all showed a single-peak curve. The highest yield and WUE increased by 32.03% and 34.03% respectively comparing to N0 treatment. NAE reduced by 247% from 33.23 kg·kg-1 (N1) to 9.57 kg·kg-1 (N3). There was a significant interaction effect between RDI and nitrogen. The finding suggest nitrogen fertilized at 60 kg·hm-2 and moderate deficit at flowing podding stage with the highest peanut yield (6 485.03 kg·hm-2),higher water use efficiency (2.02 kg·m-3) and nitrogen agronomic efficiency (38.82 kg·kg-1) in this region.
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