Study on micro ridge-furrow film mulching cultivation techniques of faba bean and flax rotation in dryland farming areas
中文关键词:  蚕豆;胡麻;轮作;全膜微垄沟播;穴播;留膜;免耕栽培  旱作农业区
英文关键词:faba bean  flax  crop rotation  whole field surface plastic mulching and micro ridge-furrow planting  bunch-seeding  reserved plastic films  no-till planting  dryland faming
孙新荣 甘肃省定西市渭源县农业技术推广中心定西 甘肃 748200 
仲彩萍 甘肃省定西市渭源县农业技术推广中心定西 甘肃 748200 
张维彪 甘肃省定西市渭源县农业技术推广中心定西 甘肃 748200 
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      为探讨旱作农业区全膜微垄沟播蚕豆留膜免耕穴播胡麻种植技术的效应,于2014-2017年在甘肃省渭源县进行大田试验,设白膜全膜微垄沟播蚕豆留膜免耕穴播胡麻(T1)、黑膜全膜微垄沟播蚕豆留膜免耕穴播胡麻(T2)、白膜全膜双垄沟播蚕豆留膜免耕穴播胡麻(T3)、露地种植(T4)4个处理,来研究蚕豆-胡麻轮作产量、土壤水热效应。结果表明,不同处理的蚕豆、胡麻增产顺序均为T1>T2>T3>T4,0~25 cm土壤平均含水量为T1>T2>T3>T4,0~25 cm平均地温为T1>T3>T2>T4。T1蚕豆和胡麻降水利用率分别为19.9、16.9 kg·hm-2mm-1,分别较T2提高24.4%、15.0%,分别较T3提高55.5%、19.9%,分别较T4(CK)提高188.4%、156.1%;T1蚕豆、胡麻平均产量分别为2 454.5、1 875.6 kg·hm-2,蚕豆分别较T2、T3、T4(CK)增产23.8%、54.9%、186.2%,胡麻分别较T2、T3、T4(CK)增产14.9%、19.6%、154.3%。因此,白膜全膜微垄沟播蚕豆留膜免耕穴播胡麻种植技术是适合当地的蚕豆-胡麻轮作高效栽培技术。
      To explore the micro ridge-furrow mulching cultivation techniques for faba bean and flax rotation in dryland farming areas, a field experiment was conducted with four treatments including 1) rotation of faba bean followed by flax with micro ridge-furrow covered by white plastic film (T1); 2) the same as T1 but with black plastic film (T2); 3) the same as T1 but double micro ridge-furrow (T3); 4) furrow-seeding without mulching (T4). We studied the effects of different treatments on the crop yield and soil thermo and moisture conditions. The results showed that T1 significantly increased soil moisture content and raised soil temperature and also improved agronomic characters of faba bean and flax. As a result, it significantly increased yield and economic return of faba bean and flax. Compared with T2, T3, and T4, T1 increased water use efficiency of faba bean by 24.4%, 55.5%, and 188.4% over them, and water use efficiency of flax by 15.0%, 19.9%, and 156.1%, respectively. Additionally, T1 increased yield of faba bean by 23.8%, 54.9%, and 186.2% and yield of flax by 14.9%, 19.6%, and 154.3% over other 3 treatments, respectively. Therefore, the rotation of faba bean followed by flax with micro ridge-furrow covered by white plastic film is an optimal cropping system for stable and high production of dryland faba bean and flax.
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