Environmental effects of soil water and salinity regulation under drip irrigation in low-lying severe saline-sodic soil
中文关键词:  低洼盐碱地  地下水浅埋区  浅层地下水埋深  地下水电导率  潜水层地下水电导率  土壤饱和泥浆提取液电导率
英文关键词:low-lying saline-salic soil  shallow groundwater area  shallow groundwater level  electrical conductivity of groundwater  [JP4]electrical conductivity of phreatic groundwater  electrical conductivity of saturated paste extract
万书勤 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 陆地水循环及地表过程重点实验室北京 100101 
孙甲霞 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 陆地水循环及地表过程重点实验室北京 100101 
董世德 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 陆地水循环及地表过程重点实验室北京 100101中国科学院大学资源与环境学院北京 100049 
康跃虎 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 陆地水循环及地表过程重点实验室北京 100101中国科学院大学资源与环境学院北京 100049 
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      采用“咸水滴灌+高垄+覆膜”水盐调控技术模式,开发利用河套灌区水平排水困难的低洼重度盐碱撂荒地时,研究了该区浅层地下水埋深、浅层地下水电导率(ECw)、潜水层地下水电导率(ECi)、土壤饱和泥浆提取液电导率(ECe)、枸杞成活率和保存率等的变化。结果表明:研究区浅层地下水埋深、ECw和ECe明显受周边和研究区灌溉、降雨等的影响;随着枸杞种植年限的延长及植株蒸腾耗水的增加,整个研究区的浅层地下水埋深、ECw、ECi及ECe均逐年降低,0~40 cm土层土壤由极重度盐土转变为重度盐土;该技术模式下,枸杞成活率达到75.4%,保存率达到67.5%。即可以采用“咸水滴灌+高垄+覆膜”滴灌水盐调控技术模式,通过种植枸杞等耐盐碱的多年生林果,来开发利用传统方法难以有效开发利用的地下水浅埋且地下水为咸水的重度盐碱地,通过枸杞生长耗水可以显著降低整个区域的地下水位埋深,ECw和ECe也逐年降低。
      The study analyzed the changes of shallow groundwater level, electrical conductivity of shallow groundwater (ECw), electrical conductivity of phreatic groundwater (ECi), electrical conductivity of saturated paste extract (ECe), the survival rate and preservation rate of Chinese wolfberry (Lycium barbarum L) during the process of low-lying and severe saline-sodic wasteland utilization in Hetao Irrigation District to provide scientific bases for large-scale exploitation and utilization of similar saline-sodic lands by using the “saline water drip irrigation + high ridge + film mulching” technology mode. The results showed that the shallow groundwater level, ECw, and ECe in the study area were significantly affected by both rainfall and irrigation in both surrounding areas and the study area. With the prolongation of wolfberry planting, water consumption by the plants increased, the shallow groundwater level decreased year by year, and the ECw, ECi, and ECe also decreased. The top 40 cm layer soil changed from very severe saline soil to heavy saline soil. Under this farming mode, the survival rate of wolfberry reached 75.4% and the preservation rate reached 67.5%. That is to say, by planting salt-tolerant perennial plants such as Chinese wolfberry and other salt-tolerant plants, the “saline water drip irrigation + high ridge + film mulching” practice mode can be adopted to exploit severe saline-sodic lands with shallow and saline groundwater, which are usually difficult to be effectively farmed by traditional methods. Through water consumption by plant, the groundwater level was significantly lowered and the shallow groundwater ECw and ECe also decreased yearly.
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