Analysis of nitrogen uptake and accumulation characteristics of flue-cured tobacco based on planting density
中文关键词:  烤烟植株  种植密度  氮素吸收分配  品种
英文关键词:flue-cured tobacco plant  planting density  nitrogen uptake and distribution  variety
苟小梅 四川农业大学资源学院四川 成都 611130 
沈杰 四川农业大学资源学院四川 成都 611130 
蔡艳 四川农业大学资源学院四川 成都 611130 
何玉亭 四川农业大学资源学院四川 成都 611130 
王昌全 四川农业大学资源学院四川 成都 611130 
罗定棋 四川省烟草公司泸州市公司四川 泸州 646000 
杜宣延 四川农业大学资源学院四川 成都 611130 四川省攀枝花市农林科学院四川 攀枝花 617061 
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      通过大田试验,探究不同种植密度:13 890(D1)、15 150(D2)、16 660(D3)、18 510株·hm-2(D4)对云烟97、NC71和K326烤烟氮素吸收分配的影响,以期为优化当地烤烟群体结构,发挥最大密植效应提供理论依据。结果表明,随着生育进程的推进,烤烟氮含量呈下降趋势,降幅为91.10%~180.10%,动态曲线可用指数函数拟合;密植后,云烟97、NC71初始氮含量呈下降趋势,分别降低了0.07%、0.14%,K326则从4.26%降低到4.24%,再升高到4.30%;密植对K326氮含量下降速率无显著影响,而云烟97、NC71高密度处理氮含量降幅显著,下降速率相较对照(D1)分别增加9.09%、8.26%。烤烟氮累积动态可用Logistic模型拟合,氮累积峰值参数出现时间相较D1均有不同程度的提前,其中云烟97高密度处理(D4)的氮素快速累积起始时间、终止时间和最大氮累积速率出现时间分别提前7.18、17.26 d和12.22 d,且最大氮累积速率呈增加趋势,增幅为12.46%~34.69%。从不同生育期来看,旺长期以前氮素累积随种植密度的增加明显上升,密植效应显著,其中D4处理上升幅度达30.65%~ 314.58%;旺长期以后氮素累积趋于稳定。密植后,中心花开放期烤烟根茎和下部烟叶氮累积增幅显著,相较D1分别增加32.67%~49.01%和42.97%~ 58.98%,而中上部烟叶氮累积受限。综上得出:K326高密植(D4)、NC71中密植(D3)、云烟97中低密植(D1、D2之间)有利于烟叶氮素吸收利用和光合作用,以发挥烤烟最大密植效应。
      In order to provide a theoretical basis for optimizing the population structure of local flue-cured tobacco and giving the maximum dense planting effect, a field experiment was adopted to study the effects of different planting densities: 13 890(D1),15 150(D2),16 660 plants·hm-2(D3) and 18 510 plants·hm-2(D4) on the nitrogen (N) uptake and distribution in Yunyan 97, NC71 and K326 flue-cured tobacco. The results showed that the N content in flue-cured tobacco decreased by 91.10%~180.10% with the growth process and a dynamic exponential function could be used to describe N content variation in the plant. With dense planting, the initial N content of Yunyan 97 and NC71 decreased by 0.07% and 0.14% respectively, while K326 decreased from 4.26% to 4.24% and then increased to 4.30%. Planting density did not significantly impact decreasing rate of N content in K326, however, the N content of Yunyan 97 and NC71 decreased significantly in high dense planting (D4),compared to the control (D1),the decreasing rate raised by 9.09%(Yunyan97) and 8.26% (NC71). The Dynamic Logistic model showed the time of N rapid accumulation and peak value of N accumulation in dense planting flue-cured tobacco were earlier but at different degrees than that of D1. The start time, termination time of rapid accumulation of nitrogen and maximum N accumulation rate in high dense planted Yunyan 97 (D4)were 7.18 d, 17.26 d and 12.22 d earlier than D1, respectively, and the maximum N accumulation rate increased by 12.46%~34.69%. In different growth stages, the N accumulation significantly increased with increasing planting density before the fast-growing stage, and the dense planting effect was significant, esp. the D4 treatment increasing by 30.65%~314.58%; the N accumulation tended to be stable after the fast-growing stage. With the dense planting, the N accumulation in roots and stems, and lower leaves of flue-cured tobacco significantly increased by 32.67%~49.01% and 42.97%~58.98% than that of D1, respectively, while the N accumulation of middle and upper leaves was limited during the flowering stage. In summary, high-dense of K326 (D4), mid-dense of NC71 (D3), and mid-low density planting of Yunyan 97 (D1 and D2) were optimum planting to the N uptake and photosynthesis to achieve the maximum dense planting effect of flue-cured tobacco.
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