Optimal allocation of water resources with two-level channel based on improved particle swarm optimization algorithm
中文关键词:  水资源优化配置  渠系配水  配水编组  粒子群算法  模拟退火算法  遗传算法
英文关键词:optimal allocation of water resources  water distribution in channel system  water distribution grouping  particle swarm optimization algorithm  simulated annealing algorithm  genetic algorithm
王庆杰 新疆农业大学水利与土木工程学院新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052 
岳春芳 新疆农业大学水利与土木工程学院新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052 
李艺珍 新疆农业大学水利与土木工程学院新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052 
刘小飞 中国电建集团贵阳勘测设计研究院贵州 贵阳 550081 
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      现有的渠系优化配水模型在减少配水损失方面效果显著,但配水过程中仍存在输水不稳定、弃水量大等不足。在配水过程中将“组间续灌、组内轮灌”的渠道配水方式变更为“组间轮灌、组内续灌”,以配水过程中渗漏损失最小为目标建立渠系配水模型,应用改进的粒子群算法求解,在寻找最优配水方案的同时均一化处理各配水方案中轮灌组内渠道的配水时间。选取张掖市西浚灌区为研究对象,研究结果表明:在保证渠道过水能力和需水要求的前提下,优化结果与该时段灌区的实际配水计划相比,配水时间减少了13.4 d,渠系水利用系数由0.65提高到了0.828,配水周期内上级渠道配水稳定,各轮灌组内渠道同时开启和关闭,减少了渠道弃水。该模型能够实现集中、高效配水,可为灌区管理部门制定配水计划提供决策。
      The existing water distribution model of the channel system is very effective in reducing the loss of water distribution, but there are still some shortages in the process of water distribution, such as the instability of water transportation and the large amount of abandoned water. In this paper, the water distribution mode of “inter-group continued irrigation and intra-group rotation irrigation” in water distribution process was changed into “inter-group rotation irrigation and intra-group continued irrigation”. The minimum leakage loss in water allocation process was taken as the goal to establish the water allocation model for channel system, and an improved particle swarm optimization algorithm was applied to solve it to find the optimal water distribution scheme and homogenization of the water allocation time of the rotation irrigation channel in each irrigation scheme. The Zhangye West dredge irrigation area was selected as the research object, and the results showed that on the premise of ensuring the need of actual operation, Compared with the actual water distribution plan at the same period, the cycle reduced 13.4 days and the canal water use efficientcy improved from 0.651 to 0.828. During the water distribution week, the allocated discharge in superior canal was equalization. In each irrigation group, the channels worked at the same time, which reduced the abandoned water in the channels. In conclusion, this model can realize centralized and efficient water distribution, and the decision-making can be provided for the irrigation management department to make optimal water distribution plan.
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