Effects of different magnetized-water treatments on soil desalinization
中文关键词:  磁化水  土壤脱盐  磁化强度  新疆
英文关键词:magnetized water  soil desalination  magnetization intensity  Xinjiang
徐莉 新疆大学资源与环境科学学院新疆 乌鲁木齐 830046中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所新疆 乌鲁木齐 830011 中国科学院大学北京 100049伊犁师范大学生物与地理科学学院新疆 伊宁 835000 
唐金 伊犁哈萨克自治州林业科学研究院新疆 伊宁 835000 
陈淑英 伊犁哈萨克自治州林业科学研究院新疆 伊宁 835000 
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      为了探究不同磁化强度的磁化水处理对土壤的脱盐效果及最佳磁感应强度,通过田间小区试验,设置了1 000mT(T1)、2 000 mT(T2)、3 000 mT(T3)、3 600 mT(T4)、对照(CK)等5组处理。各处理下盐渍土壤的脱盐效果表明:与灌前未磁化相比较,磁化水滴灌下各土层平均盐分含量均明显下降,其中,土壤含盐量、Cl-、SO2-4含量分别降低了32.83%、54.35%和31.82%,表明磁化水滴灌能够有效增强对土壤盐分的淋洗作用。不同磁化强度处理下0~60 cm土壤盐分变化特征不一:T2处理下土壤含盐量和Cl-含量在10~20 cm和0~10 cm处变化最为明显,分别降低了71.68%和84.76%;T4处理下SO2-4含量在20~40 cm降幅最大,下降76.47%;不同磁化处理下土壤脱盐效果均高于对照处理,且磁化强度与土壤脱盐效果不成比例;T1处理下土壤含盐量的脱盐率达到了57.47%,较CK提高了46.1%,明显高于其他处理。因此,在本试验条件下1 000 mT磁化效果较佳。综上所述,磁化水滴灌能明显降低土壤中的盐分含量,提高土壤脱盐率,对改良新疆地区中、轻度盐渍化土壤是一种行之有效的方法。
      To explore desalination effects of soil under different magnetized water treatments, and to find the best of magnetic induction intensity on soil desalting effect, a field plot experiment was conducted to investigate effect of soil desalination under different magnetization treatments. Under field plot experiment, the treatments included 1 000 mT (T1), 2 000 mT (T2), 3 000 mT (T3), 3 600 mT (T4) and CK (control treatment), respectively. The results showed that magnetized water improved the leaching of Cl- and SO2-4 and decreased soil salinity under drip irrigation, in which the soil salinity, Cl- and SO2-4 decreased by 32.83%, 54.35% and 31.82%, respectively. There were different characteristics of soil salinity under different magnetization treatments in different soil layers. Under T2 treatment, soil salinity and Cl- dramatically decreased by 71.68% and 84.76%, which were at the depth of 10~20 cm and 0~10 cm, respectively. The contents of SO2-4 significantly decreased by 76.47% at the depth of 20~40 cm under T4 treatment. Desalination effect on soil by different magnetization treatments was significantly greater than control treatment but desalination effect of soil was not proportional with magnetic intensity. The desalination rate of soil was at 57.47% under T1 treatment, compared to CK, which was 46.1% higher. The T1 treatment had higher desalination effect than other treatments, therefore, 1000mT magnetic field intensity was optimal treatment in this experiment. To sum up, magnetized water with drip irrigation can be used to lower salt content and thus reduce soil salinity. Additionally,it could be an effective method for improving medium and light saline soil.
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