Spatial and temporal distribution of water requirement of summer corn in Xingtai and the meteorological impact factors
中文关键词:  夏玉米  需水量  时空分布  气象影响因子  FAO-PM公式  邢台
英文关键词:summer corn  water requirement  spatial and temporal distribution  meteorological impact factors  FAO-PM formula  Xingtai
贾秋兰 邢台市气象局河北 邢台 054000 
王小娟 邢台市气象局河北 邢台 054000 
赵玉兵 邢台市气象局河北 邢台 054000 
徐文斌 柏乡县气象局河北 邢台 055450 
高祺 石家庄市气象局河北 石家庄 050081 
刘胜尧 河北省农林科学院农业信息与经济研究所河北 石家庄 050051 
摘要点击次数: 1043
全文下载次数: 537
      选取邢台地区17个国家气象观测站1972—2014年的逐日气象资料,采用联合国粮食与农业组织(FAO)推荐的Penmen-Monteith公式及作物系数法,计算了夏玉米全生育期和各生育阶段的需水量;运用线性趋势分析、相关系数、Morlet小波、空间插值等方法分析了需水量的时空分布特征及气象影响因子。结果表明:1972—2014年,夏玉米需水量呈下降趋势,年趋势减少量为1.01 mm;夏玉米需水量存在23~32,12~15,3~6 a的周期变化规律,其中23~32 a的周期最稳定;夏玉米需水量在空间上呈现出东部最大,西部次之,中部最少的分布特征;夏玉米需水量和气象因子的关系密切,其中日照时数和需水量呈最大正相关,水汽压呈最大负相关。
      Based on the meteorological data collected at 17 meteorological stations from 1972 to 2014 in Xingtai, the water requirements of summer corn during the whole growing season and at different growth stages were calculated based on the FAO-PM model. In addition, we used the methods of linear trend, correlation coefficient, Morlet wave and inverse distance weighting to analysis spatio-temporal changes of summer corn in Xingtai in the last 43 years and the influence factors. The results showed that the water requirement trends at various stages generally declined obviously and the rate of annual average decline trend was at 1.01 mm during the whole growing season. The water requirements of summer corn had a 23~32 years cycle, 12~15 years cycle, and 3~6 years cycle, of which the 23~32 years cycle was the most stable. In terms of geographical space, the distribution of water requirement from big to small was in the eastern, western and central regions. The relationship between the water demand and the meteorological factors was closely related, among them that the sunshine was positively correlated and the vapor pressure was negatively correlated significantly with water demand.
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