Study of occurrence regularity and control techniques of fruit rot on Thompson Seedless grapes
中文关键词:  无核白葡萄  果实腐烂病  发生规律  防治
英文关键词:Thompson Seedless  fruit rot  occurrence regularity  control techniques
赵荣华 新疆维吾尔自治区葡萄瓜果研究所,新疆 鄯善 838200 
白世践 新疆维吾尔自治区葡萄瓜果研究所,新疆 鄯善 838200 
陈光 新疆维吾尔自治区葡萄瓜果研究所,新疆 鄯善 838200 
蔡军社 新疆维吾尔自治区葡萄瓜果研究所,新疆 鄯善 838200 
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全文下载次数: 589
      本研究以吐鲁番地区无核白葡萄为对象,于2015—2016年,使用玻片黏着法及田间调查法,观测田间病菌孢子的动态变化,研究无核白葡萄果实腐烂病的发生时期、发生规律,并配合翠泽1 000倍液、50%保倍福美双1 500倍液、30%醚菌酯1 500倍液、30%苯醚甲环唑2 000倍液、80%百菌清1 500倍液进行化学防治。研究结果表明:引起鲁克沁无核白葡萄果实腐烂病的病菌孢子在花前至转色期大发生,成熟期达到峰值,2015年孢子数量为207个·cm-2,2016年孢子数量为427个·cm-2;无核白葡萄果实腐烂在封穗末期(6月底)首次出现,发病率至成熟前达到最高值,2015年为34.75%,2016年为60.21%;一天内孢子发生量在早晨8∶00时最多,均在20个·cm-2以上,下午14∶00和20∶00最少,孢子数量少于5个·cm-2;使用化学药剂在6月中下旬或果实封穗末期连喷(间隔10 d)3次,可以延迟果实腐烂病的发病;使用化学药剂翠泽1 000倍液或30%苯醚甲环唑2 000倍液,能有效防治无核白葡萄果实腐烂病的发生,药效可达80%以上。
      In this study, the occurrence and chemical control measures of fruit rot on Thompson Seedless in Turpan area were studied from 2015 to 2016, and the dynamic changes in spores in field bacteria were investigated by using slide adhesion method, and the occurrence period and regularity of Thompson Seedless fruit rot disease were studied, and chemical control was carried out in cooperation with cuizer 1 000 times solution, 50% baobiformate 1 500 times solution, 30% ether metacylate 1 500 times solution, 30% phenyl ether methomonazole 2 000 times solution and 80% chlorothalonil 1 500 times solution. The results showed that the spores of the pathogen causing fruit rot on Thompson Seedless in Lukeqin occurred greatly from pre-anthesis to turning-color stage, and reached the peak at maturity stage. The number of spores was 207·cm-2 in 2015 and 427·cm-2 in 2016. The fruit rot of white seedless grape appeared for the first time at the end of heading (end of June), and it peaked before maturity in 2015. The annual rate was 34.75% in 2015 but increased to 60.21% in 2016. The spore occurrence rate was at peak at 8∶00 in one day, all above 20·cm-2, and the minimum spore number was less than 5·cm-2 at 14∶00 and 20∶00 in the afternoon. The use of chemical agents in late June or at the end of the head-sealing stage on fruits delayed the occurrence of fruit rot by spraying three times (10 days interval). The 1000 times dilution of chemical reagent Cuize or 2000 times of dilution of 30% Difenoconazole effectively controlled the occurrence of white seedless grape fruit rot disease and the efficacy can be above 80%.
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