Effects of biodegradable mulching film on soil water evaporation characteristics
中文关键词:  土壤水分  蒸发特性  可降解膜  辐射方式  光照环境  Rose蒸发模型
英文关键词:soil water  evaporation characteristics  degradable film  radiation mode  light environment  Rose evaporation model
贾浩 石河子大学水利建筑工程学院,新疆 石河子 832000现代节水灌溉兵团重点实验室,新疆 石河子 832000 
李文昊 石河子大学水利建筑工程学院,新疆 石河子 832000现代节水灌溉兵团重点实验室,新疆 石河子 832000 
王振华 石河子大学水利建筑工程学院,新疆 石河子 832000现代节水灌溉兵团重点实验室,新疆 石河子 832000 
丁宏伟 石河子大学水利建筑工程学院,新疆 石河子 832000 
许虎 石河子大学水利建筑工程学院,新疆 石河子 832000 
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      于2017年5—11月开展室内土柱蒸发试验,研究了5种覆盖层(无膜:CK;普通地膜:PE;A型完全生物降解地膜:BD1;B型完全生物降解地膜:BD2;C型生物降解地膜:BD3)在2种辐射方式(连续、间断)、3种光照环境(近光、中间光、远光)下对土壤水分蒸发特性的影响。结果表明:红外灯光连续和间断辐射方式下的各处理累积蒸发量曲线分别呈对数形和震荡波形。2种辐射方式下,各阶段蒸发量的变化关系都是近光>中间光>远光,且近光、中间光条件下的累积蒸发量较远光条件下分别高72%、50%(连续辐射)和70.5%、48.9%(间断辐射)。同样,连续和间断辐射方式下,与 CK 相比PE、BD1、BD2、BD3处理的抑蒸率分别为32.5%、16.51%、14.34%、16.35%和26.74%、16.69%、15.74%、17.18%。综合分析来看,覆膜可有效减小土壤水分蒸发,同覆盖层对土壤累积蒸发的抑制作用由大到小排列为:PE>BD2>BD1>BD3>CK。在相同的辐射情况下,B型完全生物降解膜处理的累积蒸发量Rose模型的拟合效果优于其他处理。
      An indoor soil column evaporation experiment was carried out from May\|November of 2017 with 5 treatments of covering layers (without film: CK, ordinary film: PE, type A fully biodegradable film: BD1, type B fully biodegradable film: BD2, and C type biodegradable mulch film: BD3) and two types of radiation (continuous, intermittent) and three types of light environment (low light, middle light, and high light) on soil water evaporation characteristics. The results showed that the cumulative evaporation curve of each process under the continuous and intermittent radiation mode of infrared light was logarithmic and oscillating (waveform). Under the two radiation modes, the relationship between the changes in evaporation at each stage was low light > middle light > high light. The cumulative evaporation under low light and intermediate light conditions was 72%, 50% (continuous radiation) and 70.5%, 48.9% (intermittent radiation) higher than that under high light conditions, respectively. Under continuous and discontinuous radiation, compared with CK, the steam suppression rate of PE, BD1, BD2, and BD3 treatments were 32.5%, 16.51%, 14.34%, 16.35%, and 26.74%, 16.69%, 15.74%, 17.18%, respectively. Comprehensive analysis showed that mulching effectively reduced soil moisture evaporation, and the inhibition effect of the same covering layer on soil cumulative evaporation was arranged from large to small: PE > BD2 > BD1 > BD3 > CK. Under the same radiation condition, the fitting effect of the Rose model of the cumulative evaporation of type B completely biodegradable membrane treatment was better than that of the other treatments.
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