Effect of film mulching on productivity and interspecific interaction in maize\|pea intercropping system
中文关键词:  覆膜  玉米‖豌豆  产量  土地当量比  种间竞争
英文关键词:mulching  intercropping maize with pea  yield  land equivalent ratio  interspecific competition
赵建华 甘肃省农业科学院土壤肥料与节水农业研究所甘肃 兰州 730070 
孙建好 甘肃省农业科学院土壤肥料与节水农业研究所甘肃 兰州 730070 
李伟绮 甘肃省农业科学院土壤肥料与节水农业研究所甘肃 兰州 730070 
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      于2012年和2013年,在甘肃河西走廊灌区,设置8种种植方式:单作豌豆不覆膜(P)、单作豌豆覆全膜(FP)、单作玉米不覆膜(M)、单作玉米覆全膜(FM)、玉米‖豌豆不覆膜(M/P)、覆条膜玉米‖不覆膜豌豆(FM/P)、不覆膜玉米‖覆条膜豌豆(M/FP)、玉米‖豌豆覆全膜(FM/FP),通过测定作物产量和产量构成因子,分析种间互作效应指标,以明确覆膜对玉米‖豌豆作物产量、体系生产力及种间互作效应的影响。结果表明:试验期间,各间作模式土地当量比(Land equivalent ratio, LER)值均大于1.00,M/FP和FM/FP模式LER显著高于M/P和FM/P模式;覆膜对单作豌豆产量无显著影响,M/FP和FM/FP模式中豌豆产量较M/P平均分别提高24.1%和32.5%,FM模式较M模式平均增产24.2%。覆膜对间作玉米产量无显著影响,FM/P和FM/FP模式加权产量较M/P模式平均分别提高35.2%和35.1%,较M/FP模式提高16.3%和16.2%。FM/FP模式中豌豆单株粒数和单株粒重较M/P模式平均增加43.7%和60.3%,覆膜对间作玉米穗粒数无显著影响,FM/P和FM/FP模式间作玉米百粒重较M/P模式平均增幅分别为5.2%和10.3%。各模式相对产量(Relative Yield of Mixtures, RYM)均大于1.0,间作作物相对竞争强度(Relative competition intensity, RCI)均为负值,FM/P和FM/FP模式中玉米相对竞争强度(RCIm)均显著高于M/P和M/FP模式。间作作物间以种间促进为主,豌豆相对于玉米的资源竞争力Apm均为负值,玉米是竞争优势作物。因此,甘肃河西走廊灌区玉米‖豌豆覆全膜或玉米覆条膜可有效提高间作玉米产量和资源竞争力。
      A field experiment was conducted in Hexi Corridor irrigation area of Gansu in 2012 and 2013, with 8 planting patterns including sole pea without mulching (P), sole pea with mulching (FP), sole maize without mulching (M), sole pea with mulching (FM), maize intercropped with pea without mulching (M/P), maize with mulching intercropped with pea without mulching (FM/P), maize without mulching intercropped with pea with mulching (M/FP), and maize with mulching intercropped with pea with mulching (FM/FP). The productivity and interspecific interaction in maize\|pea intercropping system were evaluated based on grain yield, yield component factor, LER and indexes of interspecific interaction, such as relative yield of mixtures (RYM), relative competition intensity (RCI), aggressivity (A) to clarify the effects of film\|mulching planting in intercropping system on productivity and interspecific interaction. The results showed that the land equivalent ratio (LER) values in all intercropping patterns were greater than 1.00, and the LER values of M/FP and FM/FP were significantly higher than those of M/P and FM/P. There was no significant effect on yield of sole pea. Compared to M/P, the yields of intercropped pea in M/FP and FM/FP were increased by 24.1% and 32.5%, respectively, but the yield of intercropped maize was not significantly affected by film mulching. Compared to M/P, two years’ average weight of FM/P and FM/FP were increased by 35.2% and 35.1%, respectively. Compared to M/FP, they increased by 16.3% and 16.2%, respectively. Compared to M/P, the grain per plant and grain weight per plant of intercropped pea in FM/FP were increased by 43.7% and 60.3%, respectively, and the grain numbers per spike of intercropped maize was not affected by film mulching. Compared to M/P, two years’ average of 100-seeds weight of intercropped maize in FM/P and FM/FP increased by 5.2% and 10.3%, respectively. The relative yield of mixtures (RYM) of all intercropping patterns were greater than 1.0, and the relative competition intensity (RCI) were negative, the relative competition intensity of maize (RCIm) in FM/P and FM/FP were significantly higher than those of M/P and M/FP, the interspecific interaction mainly was intraspecific competition, the aggressivity of pea relative to maize (Apm) were negative, indicating that maize was the greater competitor in maize\|pea intercropping system. Therefore, both intercropped crops with mulching or intercropped maize with mulching in maize\|pea intercropping system efficiently improved yield of intercropped maize and strengthen the competition ability of maize to resource, and increased the intercropping system productivity in Hexi Corridor in Gansu Province.
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