Combined effects of slow\|release and common urea application at different depths on soil nitrogen and maize growth
中文关键词:  玉米  缓释与普通尿素  分层配施  土壤氮素  生理指标
英文关键词:maize  slow\|release and common urea  application at different depths soil  soil nitrogen  physi\|ological index
王玉凤 黑龙江八一农垦大学农学院, 黑龙江 大庆 163319
黑龙江省现代农业栽培技术与作物种质改良重点实验室,黑龙江 大庆 163319 
武鹏 黑龙江八一农垦大学农学院, 黑龙江 大庆 163319
黑龙江省现代农业栽培技术与作物种质改良重点实验室,黑龙江 大庆 163319
西北农林科技大学农学院, 陕西 杨凌 712100
中国旱区节水农业研究院, 陕西 杨凌 712100 
李庆 黑龙江八一农垦大学农学院, 黑龙江 大庆 163319
黑龙江省现代农业栽培技术与作物种质改良重点实验室,黑龙江 大庆 163319 
张鹏 西北农林科技大学农学院, 陕西 杨凌 712100
中国旱区节水农业研究院, 陕西 杨凌 712100 
贾志宽 西北农林科技大学农学院, 陕西 杨凌 712100
中国旱区节水农业研究院, 陕西 杨凌 712100 
薛盈文 黑龙江八一农垦大学农学院, 黑龙江 大庆 163319
黑龙江省现代农业栽培技术与作物种质改良重点实验室,黑龙江 大庆 163319 
杨克军 黑龙江八一农垦大学农学院, 黑龙江 大庆 163319
黑龙江省现代农业栽培技术与作物种质改良重点实验室,黑龙江 大庆 163319 
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      通过2 a大田随机区组试验,探究缓释与普通尿素分层配施对土壤氮素含量、玉米根叶衰老及产量的影响机理。试验设置不施氮肥(CK)、普通尿素1次施肥PU1 (5~10 cm 土层)、普通尿素传统2次施肥PU2 (5~10 cm 土层,60%种肥+40%追肥)、普通尿素1次分层施肥PU3 (5~10 cm 土层20%N+15~20 cm 土层30%N+25~30 cm 土层50%N)、不同土层深度缓释与普通尿素配施PCU1 ~PCU4 \[均为5~10 cm土层20%N(普通尿素)+15~20 cm 土层30%N(配施)+25~30 cm 土层50%N(配施),其中PCU1~PCU4 的15~20 cm和25~30 cm 土层PCU∶PU分别为3∶7、3∶7,5∶5、5∶5和3∶7、5∶5,5∶5、3∶7\]共8 个处理。结果表明,与PU1、PU2、PU3相比,缓释与普通尿素分层配施处理在玉米生育后期(吐丝期和灌浆期)土壤中NO-3-N含量提高了4.21%~133.44%,NH+4-N含量提高了17.09%~72.95%;叶片SOD、POD、CAT、可溶性蛋白分别提高了9.22%~26.75%、7.72%~23.35%、7.66%~22.96%、11.67%~32.98%,MDA降低了2.34%~37.53%;根系SOD、POD、CAT、可溶性蛋白分别提高了7.93%~22.75%、19.09%~42.13%、9.71%~60.98%、12.42%~103.57%,MDA降低了3.01%~31.6%。缓释与普通尿素分层配施玉米产量在2017年和2018年比其它处理分别提高2.32%~26.16%和1.32%~22.36%,经济效益增加1.67%~31.84%和0.33%~27.49%,各处理中PCU4处理产量最高,2017年和2018年分别为13 899.08 kg·hm-2和12 439.35 kg·hm-2,经济效益分别为17 022.25元·hm-2和14 832.65元·hm-2。综合来看PCU4处理是最佳的缓释尿素施用方式。
      A two year field experiment was carried out to determine the mechanism of increasing the grain yield of maize by combining the slow\|release with the common urea by affecting the soil nitrogen content and delay\|ing the senescence of leaf and root. The experiment consisted of eight treatments including no nitrogen fertilizer application (CK), common urea applied at a depth of 5~10 cm soil layer (PU1), common urea applied at a depth of 5~10 cm soil layer, 60% seed fertilizer + 40% topdressing (PU2); 20% common urea at a depth of 5~10 cm soil layer, 30% common urea at 15~20 cm soil depth, 50% common urea at 25~30 cm soil depth (PU3); 20% total nitrogen application rate at 5~10 cm soil depth, 30% total nitrogen application rate at 15~20 cm soil depth, and 50% total nitrogen application rate at 25~30 cm soil depth (PCU1-PCU4). The N fertilizer at 5~10 cm was common urea but at 15~20 cm and 25~30 cm, it was a combination of PCU and PU at ratios of 3∶7 and 3∶7 in PCU1; PCU2 was as PCU1 but the ratio of PCU and PU was 5∶5 at 15~20 cm and 5∶5 at 25~30 cm; in PCU3, the ratio of PCU and PU was 3∶7 at 15~20 cm and 5∶5 at 25~30 cm; in PCU4, the ratio of PCU and PU was 5∶5 at 15~20 cm and 3∶7 at 25~30 cm. The results suggested that compared with the PU1, PU2, and PU3, the slow\|release combined with common urea increased the soil NO-3-N and NH+4-N contents by 4.21%~133.44% and 17.09%~72.95%, respectively, in the later maize growth stages (silking and filling stages). The SOD, POD, CAT activity, and soluble protein content of ear leaf increased by 9.22%~26.75%, 7.72%~23.35%, 7.66%~22.96%, and 11.67%~32.98%, respectively. The MDA decreased by 2.34%~37.53% of leaf. The SOD, POD, CAT, and soluble protein contents of root increased by 7.93%~22.75%, 19.09%~42.13%, 9.71%~60.98%, 12.42%~103.57%, and MDA decreased by 3.01%~31.6% of root. Compared with PU1, PU2, and PU3, the maize yield increased by 2.32%~26.16% and 1.32%~22.36% in slow\|release combined with common urea treatment, and the economic profit increased by 1.67%~31.84% and 0.33%~27.49%, and PCU4 had the highest yield of 13 899 kg·hm-2 and 12 439 kg·hm-2, respectively, in 2017 and 2018, and the profit were 17 022.25 yuan·hm-2 and 14 832.65 yuan·hm-2. The results suggested that the PCU4 treatment was the most effective treatment for maize.
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