Kinetics of biogas production and heating strategy in anaerobic fermentation of cattle manure
中文关键词:  牛粪  厌氧发酵;沼气工程  产气率  动力学模型;加热策略
英文关键词:cattle manure  anaerobic fermentation  biogas engineering  biogas production rate  kinetic model  heating strategy
蒋滔 重庆市农业科学院重庆 401329 
邓良伟 农业部农村可再生能源开发利用重点实验室四川 成都 610041 
韦秀丽 重庆市农业科学院重庆 401329农业部农村可再生能源开发利用南方科学观测实验站重庆 401329 
贺静 农业部农村可再生能源开发利用重点实验室四川 成都 610041 
王冰 重庆市农业科学院重庆 401329 
向远勇 农业部农村可再生能源开发利用南方科学观测实验站重庆 401329 
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      以牛粪为研究对象,开展不同温度(15℃~35℃)及有机负荷(0.5~6.0 g·L-1·d-1)条件下沼气产气率研究,构建半连续式沼气发酵产气动力学模型。结果显示,模型对牛粪的容积产气率有较好的拟合度,在15℃、20℃、25℃、30℃和35℃下的最大容积产气率(Rpmax)分别为20.18、54.45、73.86、143.90、146.35 mL·L-1·d-1。通过(Rpmax-θ公式计算得到的不同温度区间内温度活性系数θ值分别为1.22(15℃~20℃)、1.06(20℃~25℃)、1.14(25℃~30℃)、1.00(30℃~35℃),相比其它温度区域,15℃~20℃范围内牛粪产气速率对温度的敏感性最大。能量投入与产出估算结果表明,低浓度条件下的牛粪沼气工程(总固体浓度TS约1%)在我国南方冬季不适合额外增温,其热损失以及原料加热至理想温度所需求的热量远大于产能。
      This study carried out the biogas yields under different temperatures (15℃~35℃) and volumetric loads (0.5~6.0 g·L-1·d-1) on the basis of cattle manure and developed a semi\|continuous biogas anaerobic fermentation kinetics model, which was shown to be fit for the volumetric gas production rate of cow manure. The maximum volumetric rates of biogas production ((Rpmax) for fermentation at 15℃, 20℃, 25℃, 30℃, and 35℃ were found to be 20.18, 54.45, 73.86, 143.90 mL·L-1·d-1 and 146.35 mL·L-1·d-1, respectively. The θ values (temperature\|activity coefficient) within different temperature intervals with the (Rpmax-θ formula were worked out to be 1.22 at 15℃~20℃, 1.06 at 20℃~25℃, 1.14 at 25℃~30℃, and 1.00 at 30℃~35℃. In contrast to other temperature intervals, anaerobic fermentation appeared to be more sensitive to temperature variation in 15℃~20℃. According to the calculation of energy input and output, the biogas project of cattle manure in low total solid concentration (at about 1%) was not suitable for additional warming in winter in the south of China, in which the heat loss and the heat required for warming the feedstock to the expected temperature were much greater than the increased energy output.
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