Effects of no\|tillage cultivation on water consumption, water use efficiency and yield of foxtail millet
中文关键词:  免耕直播  耗水量  产量  水分利用效率  农艺性状  气象因子
英文关键词:no\|till cultivation  soil water consumption  grain yield  water use efficiency  agronomic traits  meteorological factors
刘朋程 河北省农林科学院旱作农业研究所/河北省农作物抗旱研究实验室河北 衡水 053000 
于国红 河北省农林科学院旱作农业研究所/河北省农作物抗旱研究实验室河北 衡水 053000 
崔海英 河北省农林科学院旱作农业研究所/河北省农作物抗旱研究实验室河北 衡水 053000 
郭安强 河北省农林科学院旱作农业研究所/河北省农作物抗旱研究实验室河北 衡水 053000 
杜红 河北省农林科学院旱作农业研究所/河北省农作物抗旱研究实验室河北 衡水 053000 
郝洪波 河北省农林科学院旱作农业研究所/河北省农作物抗旱研究实验室河北 衡水 053000 
李明哲 河北省农林科学院旱作农业研究所/河北省农作物抗旱研究实验室河北 衡水 053000 
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      于2011—2013年在河北省农林科学院旱作农业研究所深州试验站,通过对比免耕直播和常规旋耕播种对黑龙港地区谷子耗水量、产量及水分利用效率的影响,以期为黑龙港地区谷子免耕直播栽培技术提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)与旋耕处理相比,2012年土层5 cm、15 cm和100 cm处,免耕处理土壤贮水量变化量显著降低,2013年在25 cm和35 cm土层,免耕处理土壤贮水量变化量显著降低。(2)与旋耕处理相比,免耕处理下谷子产量显著升高,2012年和2013年分别提高6.12%和9.67%,耗水量分别降低8.57%和0.48%,水分利用效率分别升高16.13%和10.21%。(3)穗长、穗重、穗粒重与产量多元回归分析结果表明,穗长与产量呈极显著正相关关系(P<0.01),穗重与产量呈显著正相关关系(P<0.05)。(4)谷子生长期内的平均气温与谷子株高呈显著负相关关系,与千粒重呈极显著正相关关系。日照时数和降水量均与穗长、穗重和穗粒重呈显著正相关关系,而风速与穗长、穗重和穗粒重呈显著负相关关系。综上,在黑龙港地区免耕与旋耕相比,谷子产量可以提高7.90%,耗水量生育期内降低4.29%,水分利用效率提高13.32%。因此,[JP3]在免耕模式下,在本试验地区应选择降水和日照充足、风速适当小的地区有利于增加谷子产量。
      This study was carried out for providing theoretical basis for no\|tillage direct seeding technology of foxtail millet in Heilonggang area by comparing the effects of direct no\|till and conventional rotary tillage seeding on water consumption, yield, and water use efficiency of foxtail millet at Shenzhou experimental station of Dry Farming Agricultural Research Institute of Hebei Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences from 2011 to 2013.The results showed that:(1) Compared with the rotary tillage treatment, the change of water storage capacity in soil layer of 5 cm, 15 cm, and 100 cm under no\|tillage treatment significantly decreased in 2012. Compared with the rotary tillage treatment, the change of water storage amount in 25 cm and 35 cm of soil layers under no\|tillage treatment was significantly reduced in 2013. (2) Compared with rotary tillage treatment, foxtail millet yield under no\|tillage treatment significantly increased by 6.12% and 9.67% in 2012 and 2013, respectively. Water consumption decreased by 8.57% and 0.48%, and water use efficiency increased by 16.13% and 10.21%, respectively. (3) Multiple regression analysis of panicle length, panicle weight, panicle grain weight and yield showed that ear length was significantly positively correlated with yield (P≤0.01), and ear weight was significantly positively correlated with yield (P≤0.05). (4) There was a negative correlation between the average air temperatures during foxtail millet growth and development periods with the plant height of foxtail millet but positive correlation with the 1000-grain weight. The panicle length, panicle weight, and panicle grain weight were significantly positively correlated with sunlight duration and precipitation. The panicle length, panicle weight and panicle grain weight were negatively correlated with the wind speed during the period.In conclusion, compared with rotary tillage, no\|till cultivation increased grain yield by 7.90%, water consumption during the growth period was reduced by 4.29%, water use efficiency increased by 13.32%. As a result, under no\|tillage mode, it is beneficial to increase the yield of foxtail millet in the area with sufficient precipitation, sunlight, and moderate wind speed.
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