Research advances in northward shifting of climatic\|zones and the influence on crop\|planting systems in China
中文关键词:  气候变化  气候带北移  种植制度  作物产量  粮食安全
英文关键词:climate change  climatic zones moving northward  crop planting structure  crop yield  food security
胡延斌 宁夏大学资源环境学院环境工程研究院,宁夏 银川750021 
肖国举 宁夏大学资源环境学院环境工程研究院,宁夏 银川750021 
李永平 宁夏农林科学院固原分院宁夏 固原 756000 
摘要点击次数: 865
全文下载次数: 991
      全球大气中CO2浓度升高、水热资源变化是全气候变化中对农田生态系统影响最为重要的生态因子。半个世纪以来,气候变化已经对我国作物种植制度产生重要影响。本研究汇集整理近年来多位专家学者的研究成果,系统分析中国东北、西北、华北、华南及青藏等不同区域气候变化类型,以及气候带北移对作物种植制度的影响,得出区域共性研究结论。气候变化存在明显的时空差异,半个世纪以来,冬夏气温增幅较春秋显著;北方地区增温2.5℃~3.0℃,高纬度和高海拔地区增温高达4℃。东北、华北、西南、以及西北东部降水减少率达10%~20%,西北中西部和华南地区降水增加超过10%。多元种植结构逐渐替代单一型种植结构,一熟制向北推进200~300 km,两熟和三熟制向北推进500 km,作物多熟制面积扩大。复种指数以超过1.29%的速率逐年提高。中熟和中晚熟品种种植界限北移、面积扩大。喜温耐旱作物面积扩大,强冬性作物逐渐被冬性和弱冬性作物代替。
      In global climate change, the most important factors influencing agroecosystem are elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration, raised air temperature, and changing precipitation. For half of a century, climate change has had an important impact on China’s crop\|planting system. This research combined the research results of experts and scholars in recent years together and did systematic analysis of climate change types in different regions such as Northeastern China, Northwestern China, Northern China, Southern China, Qinghai and Tibet, as well as the impact of northward shifts of climatic zones on crop\|planting systems and drew conclusions of regional commonality. There were clear spatial and temporal differences in climate change. For half of a century, the temperature increased in winter and summer was more significant than that in spring and autumn; the temperature in the northern region increased by 2.5℃~3.0℃, and the temperature in high latitudes and high altitudes increased by 4℃. Precipitation in Northeastern China, Northern China, Southwestern China, and east of Northwestern China decreased significantly, with a precipitation reduction rate of 10%~20%. Precipitation increased by more than 10% in Northwestern Central and Western China and Southern China. China’s multi\|planting structure gradually replaced the single\|type planting structure. The area of crops with multiple crops has expanded and the multiple cropping index has increased. The one\|cropping system advanced 200~300 km north, and the two\|cropping system and three\|cropping system advanced 500 km north. The area of multi\|cropping was expanded. The multiple crop index increased year by year at a rate of more than 1.29%. The planting boundaries of mid\|maturing and mid\|late maturing varieties are shifted to the north and the area was enlarged. Thermophilic and drought\|tolerant crops expanded in area, and the strong winter crops were gradually replaced by the winter and weak winter crops.
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