Variation characteristics and indexes of climatic suitability of spring maize in Inner Mongolia
中文关键词:  春玉米  气候适宜度  评价指标  内蒙古
英文关键词:spring maize  climatic suitability  evaluation index  Inner Mongolia
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      为量化内蒙古春玉米气候适宜度评价指标和分析其变化特征成因,考虑不同生态区域和发育期,计算1981—2018年内蒙古玉米气温、降水、日照和综合气候适宜度。结果表明:内蒙古东北部地区玉米气温适宜度低于0.5,是限制该地区玉米种植的主要气候因子,其他地区主要是降水不足;近40 a内蒙古中东部大部分地区气温适宜度增长在0.05·10a-1以上,致使综合适宜度发展向好,但同时降水适宜度呈减少趋势,所以合理的农业水资源利用是内蒙古玉米稳产增产的关键;从不同生育期来看,中西部综合适宜度偏低是因为降水偏少导致,而东部区主要是播种~出苗期和抽雄~成熟期的热量条件不足导致;通过分位法制定内蒙古不同生态区综合、气温、降水和日照的适宜度指标,指标划分结果与对应地区玉米单产基本吻合。
      In order to quantify the index of climate suitability and to analyze the cause of the characteristic change of the spring maize in Inner Mongolia, we collected data of temperatures, rainfall, sunlight, and comprehensive weather factors of 1981 through 2018 in Inner Mongolia’s different ecotope in different spring maize growth periods. The results indicated that temperature suitability of maize was lower than 0.5, which was the main climatic factor restricting corn planting in the northeastern Inner Mongolia, whereas lacking of precipitation was the main cause in other areas in Inner Mongolia. In most recent 40 years, the temperature suitability increased at 0.05·10a-1, the increase in the temperature helped the overall development of the spring maize in middle and eastern areas. However, the precipitation showed a downward trending in the same area. Therefore, the critical factor for increasing and maintaining the yield of the spring maize was to utilize the agriculture water resources appropriately. The relatively low suitability in middle and western area was caused by lacking of rainfall during corn's growth period, and insufficient temperature at the maturity stage in the eastern region. The suitability index was formulated through the quintiles method, and the result of the regional indices were basically in consistent with the spring maize yield in the corresponding area.
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