Effects of combined organic materials on quality and benefit of cultivated land and sugar beet
中文关键词:  有机物料组合肥  甜菜  耕地质量  产量  施肥利润
英文关键词:combined organic materials  beet  cultivated land quality  output  fertilization profit
赵蕊 张掖市耕地质量建设管理站甘肃 张掖 734000 
毛涛 张掖市耕地质量建设管理站甘肃 张掖 734000 
秦嘉海 河西学院农业与生态工程学院甘肃 张掖 734000 
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      甘肃省张掖市甘州区明永乡甜菜种植基地上,采用田间试验方法,连续3 a进行了有机物料组合肥还田对耕地质量及甜菜品质和效益影响的研究。结果表明:羊粪+改性糠醛渣+葵花籽饼组合肥有利于提高土壤的总孔隙度、>0.25 mm团聚体、持水量和CEC,降低容重、pH值和全盐含量,与传统化肥比较,土壤总孔隙度和>0.25 mm团聚体分别增加了5.28%和4.24%;总持水量和CEC分别增加了11.76%和23.53%;容重、pH值和全盐含量分别降低了9.59%、9.17%和7.86%。而鸡粪+食用菌渣+油菜籽饼组合肥有利于提高土壤的有机质含量、酶活性、速效氮磷钾含量、甜菜鲜根产量、含糖率和施肥利润,与传统化肥比较,土壤的有机质含量、蔗糖酶活性、脲酶活性、磷酸酶活性和多酚氧化酶活性分别增加了16.69%、16.78%、30.36%、27.14%和19.23%;碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量分别提高了10.78%、12.03%和7.77%;甜菜鲜根产量、含糖率和施肥利润分别增加了5.94%、2.07%和0.23万元·hm-2
      In the beet planting base of Mingyong Township, Ganzhou District, Zhangye City, Gansu Province, the effect of different combined organic materials returning to the field on cultivated land quality and beet quality and benefit was studied by field experiment for 3 consecutive years. The results showed that sheep manure + modified furfural residue + sunflower seed cake group increased the soil total porosity, >0.25mm aggregate, water holding capacity and CEC, and decreased the bulk density, pH value and total salt content. This group increased the soil total porosity and >0.25mm aggregate by 5.28% and 4.24%, respectively, compared with traditional chemical fertilizers. Total water holding capacity and CEC increased by 11.76% and 23.53%, respectively. The bulk density, pH value and total salt content decreased by 9.59%, 9.17% and 7.86%, respectively. Compared with traditional chemical fertilizer, chicken manure + edible fungus residue + rapeseed cake group improved soil organic matter content, enzyme activity, available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content, beet fresh root yield, sugar content and fertilizer profit. Soil organic matter content, sucrase activity, urease activity, phosphatase activity and polyphenol oxidase activity were increased by 16.69%, 16.78%, 30.36%, 27.14% and 19.23%, respectively. The content of alkali\|hydrolyzed nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium increased by 10.78%, 12.03% and 7.77%, respectively. The yield of fresh root, sugar content and fertilization profit increased by 5.94%, 2.07% and 0.23 million Yuan ·hm-2, respectively.
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