Analysis of potato climate suitability model and its temporal and spatial variation characteristics in Shigatse, Tibet
中文关键词:  马铃薯  气候适宜度  时空变化  模型  日喀则地区
英文关键词:potato  climate suitability  temporal and spatial changes  model  Shigatse region
珠杰桑布 西藏自治区南木林县气象局西藏 日喀则 857000 
张存杰 国家气候中心北京 100089 
王兴 西藏自治区气象灾害防御技术中心西藏 拉萨 850000 
白玛德吉 西藏自治区南木林县气象局西藏 日喀则 857000 
尼玛拉姆 西藏自治区南木林县气象局西藏 日喀则 857000 
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      Based on the daily meteorological data of seven national meteorological stations in Shigatse from 1980 to 2021, the suitability evaluation models of temperature (T), light (S), water (W) and climate (C) of potato in the plateau were analyzed and constructed, and their spatial and temporal variation characteristics were analyzed. The results showed that the average value of S in Shigatse in recent 42 years was 0.82, showing a weak downward trend year by year. The average values of T, W and C suitability were 0.79, 0.64 and 0.61, respectively, showing an upward trend year by year; The light and heat resources in the whole growth period of potato were in the most reasonable area (S, T≥0.7), meeting the growth and development needs of potato. W was at a low level from sowing to emergence (W=0.62) and from flowering to maturity (W=0.44), which was the main factor restricting the growth and development of potato in Shigatse area. The spatial distribution of T and S were relatively uniform and presented an increasing trend from west to east, from south to middle and from north to middle, while the spatial distribution of W was uneven. Sangzhuzi District in Nanmulin county was a high value area of potato comprehensive climate suitability (C>0.6) and suitable for vigorously developing potato industry. The interannual change and regional characteristics obtained from the daily scale climate suitability evaluation model established in this paper are consistent with the actual situation, providing a basis for understanding the temporal and spatial changes of potato growth and development suitability in Shigatse under climate change.
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