Study on water and nitrogen use efficiency of different potato varieties in the dry farmlands of Longzhong
中文关键词:  马铃薯  水分利用效率  氮肥偏生产力  氮肥农学效率  隶属函数
英文关键词:potato  water use efficiency  partial productivity of N fertilizer  N agronomic efficiency  subordinate function
蒲宁 甘肃农业大学资源与环境学院甘肃 兰州 730070 
罗珠珠 甘肃农业大学资源与环境学院甘肃 兰州 730070 甘肃省干旱生境作物学重点实验室甘肃 兰州 730070 
张耀全 甘肃农业大学林学院甘肃 兰州 730070 
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      以12个马铃薯品种为研究对象,连续2 a(2022—2023年)设置不施氮(0 kg·hm-2)和施氮(180 kg·hm-2) 2个施氮水平,分析不同品种马铃薯产量和水氮效率特征,并采用隶属函数法对各马铃薯品种进行综合评价。结果表明:品种、氮水平和品种×氮水平都对晚熟马铃薯产量均具有极显著影响,而氮水平×品种对中熟品种无显著影响。连续2 a供氮条件下中熟品种产量变幅为8 289.39~22 011.61 kg·hm-2,晚熟品种产量变幅为8 192.57~20 308.58 kg·hm-2。基于2 a施氮和不施氮条件下各品种块茎产量,将不同马铃薯品种按照不同氮效率划分为4种类型,即双高型(‘京张薯1号’、‘陇薯20号’、‘青薯9号’、‘陇薯15号’、‘陇薯16号’)、低氮高效型(‘V7’、‘陇薯14号’)、高氮高效型(‘陇薯10号’)和双低型(‘冀张薯12号’、‘希森6号’、‘定薯3号’、‘陇薯22号’)。相关性分析结果表明:氮素吸收效率、氮肥表观利用率与产量呈极显著正相关关系(R2=0.4438**R2=0.4211**),马铃薯产量与块茎含氮量间呈极显著正相关关系(R2=0.5302**R2=0.4357**),说明在施氮和不施氮条件下,马铃薯块茎含氮量越高则其产量越高。隶属函数分析结果表明:中熟品种‘京张薯1号’(Di=0.90)、晚熟品种‘青薯9号’(Di=0.90)和‘陇薯10号’(Di=0.87)具有较高的综合水氮效率和产量表现,可作为水氮高效品种在陇中旱作区进行推广。
      In this study, 12 potato varieties were used in 2 consecutive years in 2022 and 2023, and two levels of no nitrogen application (0 kg·hm-2) and nitrogen application (180 kg·hm-2) were set to study the characteristics of potato yield and water\|nitrogen efficiency of different varieties. The method of affiliation function for a comprehensive evaluation was adopted. The results showed that variety, nitrogen level, and variety × nitrogen level all had highly significant effects on late\|maturing potato yield, while variety × nitrogen level had no significant effect on medium\|maturing varieties.Yield variations ranged from 8 289.39 kg·hm-2 to 22 011.61 kg·hm-2 for medium\|maturing varieties and 8 192.57 kg·hm-2 to 20 308.58 kg·hm-2 for late\|maturing varieties under 2 consecutive years of N supply. Based on the average yields of each variety of potato under 2 years of nitrogen application and no nitrogen application conditions, different nitrogen\|efficient varieties of the potato were classified into double high\|efficiency type (‘Jingzhangshu 1’, ‘Longshu 20’, ‘Qingshu 9’, ‘Longshu 15’, ‘Longshu 16’), low\|nitrogen high\|efficiency type (‘V7’, ‘Longshu 14’), high\|nitrogen high\|efficiency type (‘Longshu 10’), and double\|low\|efficiency type (‘Jizhangshu 12’, ‘Xisen 6’, ‘Dingshu 3’, ‘Longshu 22’). Correlation analysis showed that nitrogen uptake efficiency, apparent utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer and yield had highly significant positive correlation (R2=0.4438**, R2=0.4211**), and there was a highly significant positive correlation between potato yield and nitrogen content of tubers (R2 = 0.5302**, R2=0.4357**), indicating that the higher the nitrogen content of potato tubers under the conditions of nitrogen application and no nitrogen application, the higher its yield. The analysis of the affiliation function showed that the medium\|maturity variety ‘Jingzhangshu 1’(Di=0.90), the late\|maturity variety ‘Qingshu 9’ (Di=0.90) and ‘Longshu 10’(Di=0.87) had higher comprehensive water and nitrogen utilization efficiency and yield performance, which can be recommended as water\| and nitrogen\|efficient varieties in the Longzhong dry farmlands.
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