Optimization of walnut water\|fertilizer coupling scheme based on yield quality and water\|fertilizer utilization efficiency
中文关键词:  核桃  滴灌  水肥耦合  水分利用效率  肥料偏生产率  NSGA-Ⅱ算法
英文关键词:walnut  drip irrigation  water and fertilizer coupling  water use efficiency  fertilizer partial productivity  NSGA-II algorithm
常子康 新疆农业大学水利与土木工程学院新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052 新疆水利工程安全与水灾害防治重点实验室新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052 
梁国成 乌鲁木齐经济技术开发区(头屯河区)建设局新疆 乌鲁木齐 830026 
彭艳平 中国能源建设集团新疆电力设计院有限公司新疆 乌鲁木齐 830002 
赵经华 新疆农业大学水利与土木工程学院新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052 新疆水利工程安全与水灾害防治重点实验室新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052 
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      针对干旱区核桃水肥利用效率低及高效水肥制度不明晰的问题,以新疆阿克苏地区核桃树为研究对象,以核桃提质增效为目标,研究水肥耦合条件下对滴灌核桃的生理生长指标、果实品质、产量的影响。为了更精准地预测水肥制度,以灌水量(225 m3·hm-2,W1;300 m3·hm-2,W2;375 m3·hm-2,W3)、施肥量(常规施肥量0.5倍(236.93 kg·hm-2),F1;常规施肥量(473.85 kg·hm-2),F2;常规施肥量2倍(947.7 kg·hm-2),F3)为试验因素,通过建立关于核桃的果实品质、产量、水分利用效率和肥料偏生产率的二元二次回归模型,并采用二代非支配排序遗传算法(NSGA-II)对该回归模型进行验证求解,从而模拟出最优水肥制度。结果表明:灌水量和施肥量两因子及其耦合效应对核桃的生长指标均有显著影响,核桃的果实品质、产量和水肥利用率随着灌水量和施肥量的增加呈现先增加后减小的趋势,在各处理情况下,W2F2处理为最优的灌溉施肥处理。通过NSGA-II模拟出的最优水肥制度为灌水量和施肥量分别是336.93 m3·hm-2和715.21 kg·hm-2。最终对应的蛋白质含量、产量、水分利用效率和肥料偏生产率分别是21.36%、2 971.66 kg·hm-2、8.76 kg·mm-1·hm-2和1.02。
      Aiming at solving low water and fertilizer utilization efficiency of walnuts in arid areas and examining problems with water and fertilizer systems, we took walnut trees in the Aksu region of Xinjiang as the research object and set improving walnut quality and efficiency as the goal to study the effects of water and fertilizer coupling conditions on physiological growth indexes, fruit quality,and yield of drip\|irrigated walnuts. Irrigation volume (W1: 225 m3·hm-2; W2: 300 m3·hm-2; W3: 375 m3·hm-2), and fertilizer application amounts including F1 (236.9 kg·hm-2): half conventional fertilizer application; F2 (473.85 kg·hm-2): conventional fertilizer application; and F3 (947.7 kg·hm-2): double conventional fertilizer application were used as test factors. To predict the irrigation and fertilization system more accurately, a binary quadratic regression model was established to study the walnut fruit quality, yield, water use efficiency, and fertilizer productivity. The Non\|dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II(NSGA-Ⅱ)was modeled to verify and solve the regression model and get the optimal irrigation and fertilization combination. The results showed that both factors of water irrigation and fertilizer application as well as their coupling effects had significant effects on the growth indexes of walnuts. The fruit quality, yield, and water and fertilizer utilization of walnuts showed a trend of increasing and then decreasing with the increase of water irrigation and fertilizer application. The W2F2 treatment was the optimal irrigation and fertilization treatment. The optimum water and fertilizer regimes simulated by NSGA-II were 336.93 m3·hm-2 and 715.21 kg·hm-2 for irrigation and fertilizer application, corresponding protein content, yield, water use efficiency and partial fertilizer productivity were 21.36%, 2 971.66 kg·hm-2, 8.76 kg·mm-1·hm-2, and 1.02, respectively.
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