Effects of biochar\|earthworm in situ on rhizosphere microorganisms and fruit metabolism of facility tomatoes
中文关键词:  设施番茄  生物炭  蚯蚓原位  土壤微生物  差异代谢物
英文关键词:facility tomato  biochar  in situ earthworms  soil microorganisms  differential metabolites
刘辰熙 宁夏大学葡萄酒及园艺学院宁夏 银川 750021 
王继涛 宁夏回族自治区园艺技术推广站宁夏 银川 750004 
尹翠 宁夏共享人力集团有限公司宁夏 银川 750021 
徐广亚 宁夏共享人力集团有限公司宁夏 银川 750021 
朱红艳 宁夏共享人力集团有限公司宁夏 银川 750021 
曹云娥 宁夏大学葡萄酒及园艺学院宁夏 银川 750021 
摘要点击次数: 288
全文下载次数: 248
      To resolve the problems with excessive application of chemical fertilizers, resulting in poor quality and yield of facility tomatoes, different soil improvement measures were adopted. The experiment used‘Fenyan No. 1’ tomato as the test material, and included blank control (CK), biochar (B), earthworm in situ (V) and biochar + earthworm in situ (BV) to study the changes in the physical and chemical properties of the root zone soil and soil rhizosphere microorganisms during the growth and development of tomatoes as well as the differences in fruit yield and quality during the fruiting period of tomatoes. The differences in metabolite composition of fruits under different treatments were analyzed. The results showed that BV treatment significantly increased soil available nitrogen, available phosphorus, and available potassium contents when compared with CK by 174%, 7.44%, and 45% respectively. BV treatment significantly increased sucrase activity by 62.02% and V treatment significantly increased urease by 39.72% compared with CK. BV treatment significantly increased the Simpson index of soil bacteria, and V treatment significantly increased the Ace and Chao1 index of soil fungi. B treatment significantly changed the relative abundance of soil bacteria, with Proteobacteria increasing the most, reaching 45.48%, Acidobacteria and The Bacillus Monospora phylum decreased the mostby 14.90% and 25.70% respectively.For soil fungi, the relative abundance of Ascomycota in treatment B was the highest, increasing by 15.90%, and the V treatment had the highest relative abundance of Oychytrids with 7.24% and Rhododendron increased second, reaching 3.11%. At the same time, each treatment significantly improved fruit yield and quality. BV treatment had the best tomato yield and quality effects, as shown by its highest biomass, fruit yield, soluble solids, Vc, and organic acid content. Based on the analysis of the fruit differential metabolites, the tomato fruits obtained in the V treatment had the largest variety of differential metabolites, the greatest difference, and the largest number of differential metabolic pathwayscompared with the control group.
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