李越,樊志龙,张刁亮,董勇杰,彭建辰,胡发龙,殷文,柴强.生物炭和间作鲜食豌豆对氮肥减量下玉米产量的促进效应[J].干旱地区农业研究,2024,(4):178~188 |
生物炭和间作鲜食豌豆对氮肥减量下玉米产量的促进效应 |
Promotional effects of biochar and intercropping fresh peas on yield of maize with reduced application of nitrogen fertilizer |
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1000-7601.2024.04.19 |
中文关键词: 禾豆间作 生物炭 氮肥减量 玉米 产量 光合特性 |
英文关键词:cereal\|legume intercropping biochar nitrogen fertilizer reduction maize yield characteristic of photosynthesis |
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2021YFD1700204-04);国家自然科学基金(32160765);甘肃省科技计划项目( 22JR5RA860);中央引导地方科技发展资金项目(23ZYQA0322) |
摘要点击次数: 602 |
全文下载次数: 553 |
中文摘要: |
于2022—2023年进行裂区试验,主区为玉米‖鲜食豌豆(M‖P)和单作玉米(SM),裂区为地方推荐施氮量(N1,360 kg·hm-2)和减量30%施氮(N2,250 kg·hm-2),裂裂区为施用生物炭(C)和不施用生物炭(A),探究生物炭和间作鲜食豌豆对玉米光合源、干物质积累以及产量的影响。结果表明,在减量30%施氮水平下,间作鲜食豌豆配施生物炭可以使玉米出苗后45~90 d保持较高的叶面积指数,且较SMN1A处理有效减缓了玉米出苗后90~150 d的叶面积指数降低,显著提高了玉米全生育期叶日积(P<0.05)。M‖PN2C处理玉米干物质积累量和干物质积累速率较SMN1A处理在玉米出苗后60~90 d分别提高13.0%和15.3%,在玉米出苗后90~150 d分别提高16.2%和19.5%。M‖PN2C处理玉米籽粒产量较M‖PN1A和SMN1A处理分别显著增加6.3%和17.8%(P<0.05),与M‖PN1C处理无显著差异。间作玉米千粒重较单作玉米平均提高5.2%,且施用生物炭在减量30%施氮水平下较地方推荐施氮量不施用生物炭可提高玉米的穗粒数和千粒重,间作鲜食豌豆配施生物炭处理的玉米穗粒数和千粒重在N2与N1之间无显著差异。通径分析结果表明,间作鲜食豌豆配施生物炭通过提高玉米千粒重,使间作玉米在氮肥减量下能获得较高的籽粒产量。因此,玉米‖鲜食豌豆下减量30%施氮配施生物炭可作为干旱绿洲灌区节氮高效种植的参考技术。 |
英文摘要: |
A split\|zone experiment with main plot for maize intercropped with fresh peas (M‖P) and sole maize (SM), split plot for locally recommended N application amount (N1,360 kg·hm-2), reduced 30% N application amount (N2,250 kg·hm-2), and split plot for biochar application (C) and no biochar application (A) was conducted in 2022-2023 to investigate the effects of biochar and intercropping with fresh peas on photosynthetic sources, dry matter accumulation, and yield of maize. The results showed that intercropping fresh peas applied with biochar maintained greater LAI of maize with 30% reduced N application after 45~90 d of maize emergence, and which effectively decreased the decreasing of maize LAI after 90~150 d of maize emergence compared with the SMN1A, and significantly increased maize LAD throughout the whole growth period(P<0.05). The dry matter accumulation and dry matter accumulation rate of maize with M‖PN2C treatment increased by 13.0% and 15.3%, respectively, after 60~90 d of maize emergence, and increased by 16.2% and 19.5% after 90~150 d of maize emergence compared with that of SMN1A treatment. Maize grain yield with M‖PN2C was significantly increased by 6.3% and 17.8%(P<0.05) compared with that of the M‖PN1A and SMN1A, respectively,and was not significantly different from that of M‖PN1C. 1000-grain weight of intercropping maize increased by an average of 5.2% compared to sole cropping maize. In addition, the kernel number per spike and 1000-grain weight of maize were increased by applying biochar at 30% N reduction level compared to the local recommendation of applying N without biochar. The kernel number per spike and 1000-grain weight of intercropped maize applied with biochar was not different between N2 and N1. The results of the pathway analysis showed that intercropped fresh peas with biochar application enabled intercropped maize to achieve higher level of grain yield under nitrogen fertilizer reduction by increasing the 1000-grain weight of the maize. Therefore, the maize intercropped with fresh peas with reduced 30% nitrogen and application with biochar treatment can be used as a reference model for nitrogen\|saving and high\|efficiency planting technology in arid oasis irrigation regions. |
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