Spatial characteristics of cultivated land fragmentation and land consolidation strategies in Shaanxi Province
中文关键词:  耕地细碎化  土地整治  三维魔方模型  空间分异特征  陕西省
英文关键词:cultivated land fragmentation  land consolidation  3D Rubik’s cube model  spatial differentiation characteristics  Shaanxi Province
张亦恒 长安大学土地工程学院陕西 西安 710054
陕西省土地整治重点实验室陕西 西安 710054 
奥勇 长安大学土地工程学院陕西 西安 710054
长安大学资源学院地理信息研究所陕西 西安 710054
陕西省土地整治重点实验室陕西 西安 710054 
吴京盛 长安大学资源学院陕西 西安 710054 
李雪娇 长安大学资源学院陕西 西安 710054 
汪雅 长安大学资源学院陕西 西安 710054 
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      在明确耕地细碎化(cultivated land fragmentation,CLF)会造成的消极和积极影响基础上,构建CLF评价体系,探索以因地制宜为理念差异化解决CLF现象的方法。以陕西省2020年耕地利用现状为例,从耕地的自然资源禀赋、空间聚集程度、利用便利程度三个方面构建陕西省CLF程度三维魔方模型,对其CLF空间分异特征进行探索,并提出了改善CLF的策略。结果表明:陕西省CLF指数(CLFI)总体上呈现中间低、南北高的空间特征,CLFI最大值为0.796,最小值为0.020,均值为0.217,高值集中在陕南和关中交界的秦巴山区以及陕北东部地区。基于CLF特征和农业种植多样性、地区经济水平等影响因素以及耕地资源3个属性特征,提出了针对陕西省CLF的优化分区规划,其中包括保持提升区、集约归并区、设施优化区、资源改造区、综合提升区、综合整治区6类乡镇级引导分区,及以地区社会经济指标为基础划分的政策倾向区、加强整治区、资源倾向区、资源适配区4类县级引导分区,并结合两类分区结果的特征提出了不同地区土地整治的主要方向及关键问题。
      On the basis of clarifying negative and positive impacts of cultivated land fragmentation (CLF), the evaluation system of CLF was constructed, and the method of solving the CLF phenomenon was explored with the concept of differentiation according to local conditions. Taking the status quo of cultivated land use in Shaanxi Province in 2020 as an example, we constructed a 3D Rubik’s cube model of the degree of CLF in Shaanxi Province from three aspects, namely the natural resource endowment of cultivated land, the degree of spatial aggregation, and the degree of ease of use to explore the characteristics of the spatial differentiation of its CLF and put forward a strategic plan for the improvement of CLF. The results showed that the CLF index (CLFI) in Shaanxi Province generally presented a spatial characteristic of low in the middle and high in the north and south, with the maximum value of CLFI at 0.796, the minimum value at 0.020, and the mean value at 0.217, and the high values were concentrated in the Qinba mountainous area at the junction of southern Shaanxi and Guanzhong and the eastern area of northern Shaanxi. Based on the CLF characteristics and influencing factors such as agricultural cultivation diversity, regional economic level and three attribute characteristics of arable land resources, an optimized zoning plan for CLF in Shaanxi Province has been proposed, including six types of township\|level guiding zones, namely, maintenance and enhancement zone, intensification and consolidation zone, facility optimization zone, resource renovation zone, comprehensive enhancement zone, and comprehensive remediation zone. The policy inclination zone based on regional socio\|economic indexes. The enhanced rectification zone, resource tendency zone, and resource adaptation zone were combined, considering the characteristics of the results from the two types of zoning. The characteristics of the two types of zoning results suggest the main land consolidation directions and key issues in different areas.
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