王安泽,张阿里,窦松岩,岳红,宋卫宁.不同小麦品种苗期抗旱性鉴定及根际微生物功能研究[J].干旱地区农业研究,2024,(6):8~18 |
不同小麦品种苗期抗旱性鉴定及根际微生物功能研究 |
Identification of drought resistance of different wheat varieties at seedling stage and functional analysis of rhizosphere microorganisms |
DOI:10.7606/j.issn.1000-7601.2024.06.02 |
中文关键词: 小麦 根际微生物 抗旱性鉴定 芽孢乳杆菌 |
英文关键词:wheat rhizosphere microorganism identification of drought resistance Paenibacillus |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(32370137);陕西省自然科学基金项目(2023-JC-QN-0218) |
摘要点击次数: 117 |
全文下载次数: 76 |
中文摘要: |
对20份小麦品种苗期进行抗旱性鉴定,计算综合抗旱指数,筛选获得抗旱小麦品种‘汉中白’,对抗旱小麦品种‘汉中白’的根际微生物进行分离鉴定,共获得50株菌株,对获得的菌株进行抗旱性筛选后,获得8株抗旱菌株,其中包括2株芽孢乳杆菌属(Paenibacillus)、2株假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)、2株狭生单胞菌属(Stenotrophomonas)、1株葡萄球菌属(Staphylococcus)和1株Paraclostridium属。将8株抗旱菌株分别定殖在干旱敏感品种‘中国春’的根际,测定干旱胁迫下‘中国春’小麦的株高、根长、地上部以及地下部干、鲜质量等生理指标,结果显示在芽孢乳杆菌属侵染‘中国春’小麦后,侵染小麦的4个生理指标相对于对照组均有提高,其中平均株高提高了5.71 cm、平均根长提高了2.28 cm、平均鲜质量提高了0.0371 g、平均干质量提高了0.0118 g,表明芽孢乳杆菌属显著提高了‘中国春’小麦的抗旱性。研究表明抗旱品种‘汉中白’在干旱胁迫下招募的微生物具有提高旱敏材料‘中国春’的抗旱潜能,芽孢乳杆菌可作为潜在的微生物菌剂。 |
英文摘要: |
The drought resistance of 20 wheat varieties at seedling stage was assessed, and a comprehensive drought resistance index was calculated. The drought\|resistant wheat variety ‘Hanzhongbai’ was selected, and its rhizosphere microorganisms were isolated and identified, resulting in 50 bacterial strains. After screening for drought resistance, eight drought\|resistant strains were identified, including two strains of Paenibacillus, two strains of Pseudomonas, two strains of Stenotrophomonas, one strain of Staphylococcus, and one strain of Paraclostridium. These eihgt drought\|resistant strains were inoculated into the rhizosphere of the drought\|sensitive wheat variety ‘Chinese Spring’, and physiological parameters including plant height, root length, above\|ground fresh and dry weights, and below\|ground fresh and dry weights were measured under drought stress. The results showed that inoculation with Paenibacillus significantly improved all four physiological parameters of ‘Chinese Spring’ compared to the control group, with average plant height increasing by 5.71 cm, average root length by 2.28 cm, average fresh weight by 0.0371 g, and average dry weight by 0.0118 g. This indicated that Paenibacillus significantly improved the drought resistance of ‘Chinese Spring’ wheat. Therefore, this study suggests that the microorganisms recruited by the drought\|resistant variety ‘Hanzhongbai’ under drought stress could enhance the drought resistance of the drought\|sensitive ‘Chinese Spring’ variety. Paenibacillus showed promise as a microbial agent for boosting crop yield and quality in arid regions. |
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