Effects of water stress and rehydration on physiological characteristics of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi
中文关键词:  黄芩  水分胁迫  复水  生理特性
英文关键词:Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi  water stress  rehydration  physiological characteristics
陈雨森 山西农业大学资源环境学院山西 太原 030031 
王浩 山西农业大学资源环境学院山西 太原 030031 
孙祎洋 山西农业大学资源环境学院山西 太原 030031 
郭军玲 山西农业大学资源环境学院山西 太原 030031 山西农业大学生态环境产业技术研究院/土壤环境与养分资源山西省重点实验室山西 太原 030031山西农业大学农业农村部盐碱地改良与利用(干旱与半干旱盐碱地)重点实验室山西 太原 030031 
张强 山西农业大学资源环境学院山西 太原 030031 山西农业大学生态环境产业技术研究院/土壤环境与养分资源山西省重点实验室山西 太原 030031山西农业大学农业农村部盐碱地改良与利用(干旱与半干旱盐碱地)重点实验室山西 太原 030031 
杨治平 山西农业大学资源环境学院山西 太原 030031 山西农业大学生态环境产业技术研究院/土壤环境与养分资源山西省重点实验室山西 太原 030031山西农业大学农业农村部盐碱地改良与利用(干旱与半干旱盐碱地)重点实验室山西 太原 030031 
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      以正品黄芩为研究对象,设置盆栽土壤含水量为田间持水量的100%、80%、60%、40%,分别代表过量水分供给、适度水分供给、轻度水分亏缺、重度水分亏缺,并以适度水分供给(80%FC,FC为田间持水量)为对照,研究不同梯度水分胁迫及复水处理后黄芩的生理响应。结果表明:水分胁迫30 d时,受胁迫处理(100%FC、60%FC、40%FC)的黄芩总叶绿素含量较对照处理分别降低7.1%、5.6%、5.9%,类胡萝卜素含量较对照处理分别降低6.5%、10.1%、9.3%,电解质相对外渗率较对照处理分别提升46.5%、19.7%、54.9%,丙二醛含量较对照处理分别提升39.7%、109.7%、360.0%,超氧化物歧化酶活性较对照处理分别提升2.3%、3.8%、7.5%,谷胱甘肽还原酶活性较对照处理分别提升97.4%、105.5%、172.5%。此外,在水分胁迫期间,水分亏缺处理(60%FC、40%FC)导致黄芩可溶性糖含量上升,在胁迫30 d时分别达49.7 mg·g-1、57.8 mg·g-1,过量水分供给处理(100%FC)导致黄芩过氧化物酶活性提升,在胁迫30 d时达3.99 mg·g-1·min-1。复水能有效降低水分胁迫带来的生理损伤,复水及收获期间,受胁迫处理(100%FC、60%FC、40%FC)黄芩叶绿素超量恢复,总叶绿素含量在复水5 d时较对照处理分别提升5.5%、9.1%、18.2%,受胁迫处理脯氨酸含量与对照处理均降至52.2 mg·g-1附近。重度水分亏缺造成的生理损伤通过复水无法恢复,在收获时40%FC处理中可溶性糖含量达28.6 mg·g-1、丙二醛含量达9.2 mg·g-1、超氧化物歧化酶活性达919.9 U·g-1·h-1、过氧化物酶活性达2.0 mg·g-1·min-1,均为处理间较高水平。水分胁迫及复水有利于黄芩产量和质量提升,收获时60%FC处理黄芩苷收获量最高,达629.14 mg·株-1
      The physiological response of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi (SBG) to varying water stress and rehydration treatments was investigated using authentic SBG. Potting soil moisture was set at 100%, 80%, 60%, and 40% of the field water\|holding capacity to represent four conditions: excessive water supply, moderate water supply, mild water deficit, and severe water deficit, respectively, with 80%FC (moderate water supply) as the control. The results showed that, at 30 days of water stress, the total chlorophyll content of SBG subjected to the stress treatments (100%FC, 60%FC, and 40%FC treatments) reduced by 7.1%, 5.6%, and 5.9%, and the carotenoid content reduced by 6.5%, 10.1%, and 9.3%, and the relative exocytosis rate of electrolytes elevated by 46.5%, 19.7% and 54.9%, respectively, in the stress treatment compared with the control treatment. Malondialdehyde content of SBG elevated by 39.7%, 109.7%, and 360.0%, superoxide dismutase activity elevated by 2.3%, 3.8%, and 7.5%, and glutathione reductase activity elevated by 97.4%, 105.5%, and 172.5%, respectively, compared with the control treatment. In addition, during water stress, water deficit treatments (60%FC and 40%FC treatments) led to an increase in the soluble sugar content of SBG, which amounted to 49.7 mg·g-1 and 57.8 mg·g-1 at 30 days of stress, respectively. The excess water supply treatment (100%FC treatment) led to an increase in the peroxidase activity of SBG, which amounted to 3.99 mg·g-1·min-1 at 30 days of stress. Rehydration was effective in reducing physiological damage caused by water stress. During rehydration and harvest, chlorophyll in SBG from the stress treatments (100%FC, 60%FC, and 40%FC treatments) was restored in excess, and the total chlorophyll content elevated by 5.5%, 9.1%, and 18.2%, respectively, compared with that of the control treatment at 5 days of rehydration. The proline content of the stressed treatments decreased to around 52.2 mg·g-1 with the control treatment. Physiological damage caused by heavy water deficit could not be recovered by rehydration, and soluble sugar content reached 28.6 mg·g-1, malondialdehyde 9.2 mg·g-1, superoxide dismutase activity 919.9 U·g-1·h-1, and peroxidase activity 2.0 mg·g-1·min-1 in the 40%FC treatment at harvest, all of which were at higher levels among treatments. Water stress and rehydration favored the yield quality of SBG roots, and at harvest, the 60%FC treatment had the highest harvest of baicalin at 629.14 mg per plant.
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