Effects of nitrogen fertilizer types on apple tree growth, fruit yield and quality under drip fertigation
中文关键词:  苹果树  氮肥类型  产量品质  土壤硝态氮残留  TOPSIS综合评价
英文关键词:apple tree  nitrogen fertilizer type  yield and quality  soil nitrate nitrogen residue  TOPSIS comprehensive evaluation
孙建喜 西北农林科技大学旱区农业水土工程教育部重点实验室陕西 杨凌 72100 
赵璐 西北农林科技大学旱区农业水土工程教育部重点实验室陕西 杨凌 72100 
叶蕊蕊 西北农林科技大学旱区农业水土工程教育部重点实验室陕西 杨凌 72100 
李瑞 神木市农业技术推广中心陕西 神木 719399 
刘杰 西北农林科技大学旱区农业水土工程教育部重点实验室陕西 杨凌 72100 
胡田田 西北农林科技大学旱区农业水土工程教育部重点实验室陕西 杨凌 72100 
摘要点击次数: 245
全文下载次数: 104
      黄土高原是我国苹果重要产区,灌溉和施肥管理不当会导致苹果产量不稳、品质下降、土壤质量降低等一系列问题。基于此,于2020—2022年以矮化密植苹果树为研究对象,采用尿素(U)、尿素硝铵液肥(UAN)、尿素+硝酸铵钙(UCAN)三种不同类型氮肥开展滴灌施肥试验,探究不同氮肥类型对苹果生长、产量、品质和土壤硝态氮残留量的影响。结果表明:滴灌施肥方式下UCAN和U处理苹果新梢生长量、叶面积指数整体大于UAN处理;相较于U处理,2021和2022年UCAN处理的苹果产量分别提高12.64%和37.92%,2022年UAN处理的苹果产量提高22.44%;与U处理相比,UCAN处理能够显著提高苹果果实可溶性固形物含量、可滴定酸含量、硝酸盐含量,降低果肉硬度和糖酸比,而UAN处理能够提高果实可溶性糖含量和糖酸比,降低VC含量和果肉硬度,氮肥类型对单果重和果形指数无显著影响;除2021年0~80 cm土层土壤,氮肥类型对土壤硝态氮残留的影响不显著。基于产量、品质和环境效益的TOPSIS综合评价结果,UCAN处理综合效益最优、其次为UAN和U处理,该结果可为苹果园氮肥管理提供理论依据与数据支撑。
      The Loess Plateau is a key apple\|producing region in China, where improper irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer management can cause issues like unstable apple yields, reduced fruit quality, and soil degradation. In this study, three different types of nitrogen fertilizers, urea (U), urea ammonium nitrate liquid fertilizer (UAN), and urea + calcium ammonium nitrate (UCAN), were used in a two\|year drip fertigation trial with densely planted dwarf apple trees as the research object to investigate the effects of different nitrogen fertilizer types on the apple growth, yield, quality and soil nitrate nitrogen residue. The results showed that the new shoot growth and leaf area index of UCAN and U treatments under drip fertigation were generally higher than those of UAN treatment.Compared with the U treatment, the apple yield of UCAN treatment increased by 12.64% and 37.92% in 2021 and 2022, respectively, and the apple yield of UAN treatment increased by 22.44% in 2022. Compared with U treatment, UCAN treatment significantly increased the soluble solids, titratable acid content, and nitrate content of apple fruit, while reducing flesh hardness and sugar acid ratio. However, UAN treatment could increase the soluble sugar content and sugar acid ratio of fruits and reduce the VC content and fruit flesh hardness. Nitrogen fertilizer types had no significant effect on single fruit weight and fruit shape index. Except for the 0~80 cm soil layer in 2021, the effect of nitrogen fertilizer types on soil nitrate nitrogen residue was not significant. The comprehensive evaluation of TOPSIS, based on apple yield, quality, and environmental benefits, showed that the UCAN treatment had the highest overall benefit, followed by the UAN treatment, and finally the U treatment. This provides a theoretical basis and data support for nitrogen fertilizer management in apple orchards.
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